Virginia Da Brescia

Scheda di Virginia Da Brescia
Locandina Virginia Da Brescia
Scheda relativa a Virginia Da Brescia, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per Voce umana (film), Per amor vostro (film)

Conosciuto per


Virgina Da Brescia was born in Taranto, Italy, in a theatrical family. She made her debut on stage at six years old. At fifteen she began an impressive singing career in the "Carosello Napoletano". She performed with the great Totò in the 1950, 1951, 1952 editions of the "Piedigrotta", the celebrated Neapolitan musical festival. In 1956 and 1957, she participated in the prestigious "Festival di Napoli". Her albums were released through Vis Radio, Universal and Cetra. After a successful musical career, she has returned to acting on stage with the most celebrated actors of the past and present times: Tina Pica, Toto', Luisa Conte, but also Lina Sastri, Isa Danieli among many others. From 2000 onwards, she has co-starred in various TV series, namely "La Squadra" and "Amore Criminale". Recently she has been featured in Matteo Garrone's "Reality", winner of the grand jury prize at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. 


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