Tom Lawrence
Scheda di Tom Lawrence
Scheda relativa a Tom Lawrence, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per The Third Day (serie), Lettera al re (serie), Cursed (serie), The Head (serie)
Persona conosciuta per The Third Day (serie), Lettera al re (serie), Cursed (serie), The Head (serie)
Conosciuto per
Trained at RADA and has worked extensively across TV, Film and Theatre since. Recent credits include David Michôd's award winning historical epic The King starring Timothée Chalamet, the HBO series Catherine The Great starring Helen Mirren, Season 2 of The Crown and the forthcoming Dennis Kelly series The Third Day with Jude Law. Tom's many theatre credits include the unprecedented 2 year-long World Tour of Hamlet with Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, which toured to 188 countries across the world, performing in theatres, at ancient monuments, in refugee camps, at the UN and for Barack Obama at the Globe Theatre itself. He is also a founding member of the pioneering theatre company Punchdrunk.
Al momento per Tom Lawrence non disponiamo di una filmografia.Seriegrafia
Cast Artistico
The Head(2020)
- 1x01 - Episodio 1 - The Head... ... Miles Porter, ufficiale comunicazioni
The Third Day(2020)
- 1x01 - Venerdi' - Il Padre - The Third Day... ... Tomo
- 1x01 - Nimue - Cursed... ... Footman #1
Lettera al re(2020)
- 1x01 - Le nuvole di tempesta si radunano - Lettera al re... ... Knight
- 1x02 - Non è un tesoro? - Lettera al re... ... Knight
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