Sam Troughton

Scheda di Sam Troughton
Locandina Sam Troughton
Scheda relativa a Sam Troughton, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per Slumber – Il demone del sonno (film), Il Rituale (film), Mank (film), La Tamburina (serie)

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Peterloo' is Sam Troughton's second film with Mike Leigh, following 'Vera Drake'. Troughton's other film credits include: 'The Ritual' directed by David Bruckner, 'Slumber' directed by Jonathan Hopkins, 'Spirit Trap' directed by David Smith, 'Alien vs Predator' directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and 'Sylvia' directed by Christine Jeffs. Troughton's television credits include: 'Midsomer Murders', 'The Hollow Crown', 'Dancing on the Edge', 'The Town', 'Holby City', 'Silent Witness', 'Robin Hood', 'Hex', 'Messiah III', 'Gunpowder, Treason and Plot', 'Judge John Deed', 'Blue Dove', 'Foyle's War', 'Summer in the Suburbs'. For the National Theatre, Troughton has starred in 'Beginning', 'King Lear', 'Buried Child', 'The Coast of Utopia' and 'Tartuffe'. For the Royal Shakespeare Company: 'Morte d'Arthur', 'Romeo and Juliet', 'The Grain Store', 'Julius Caesar', 'The Winter's Tale', 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'Richard III', 'Henry VI parts 1, 2 & 3' and 'The Taming of the Shrew'. Other theatre includes: 'La Musica', 'Bull, Mint', 'Death Tax', 'The President Has Come to See You', 'Three Sisters', 'Love, Love, Love', 'A Streetcar Named Desire', 'An Oak Tree', 'As You Like It', 'Nathan the Wise', 'Hamlet', 'Confidence'.


Cast Artistico



... John Houseman
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Cast Artistico

- 1x05 - Episodio 5 - La Tamburina... ... Captain Meadows
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