John Lynch

Scheda di John Lynch
Locandina John Lynch
Scheda relativa a John Lynch, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per Holy Water (film), Nel nome del padre (film), Boys from County Hell (film), I Medici (serie), Sliding Doors (film), The Head (serie), Five Day Shelter (film)

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John Lynch has appeared in the acclaimed series The Terror; as well as in the thrillers Tin Star and The Fall, alongside with Gilliam Anderson. With an extended career in Film, Television, and Theatre, Lynch won an AFI (AACTA) Award for Best Actor for the film Angel Baby (1995) and he was nominated for a BAFTA Award for the film Cal (1984). Among his most relevant film, we can mention The Secret Garden (1993), In the Name of the Father (1993), Nothing Personal (1995), Moll Flanders (1996), Some Mother's Son (1996), Sliding Doors (1998), The Quarry (1998), Best (2000), which earned him a Jury Award for Best Actor at the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival; or Evelyn (2002). In television, Lynch participated in the series Bleak House, with Gillian Anderson and Carey Mulligan; The Jury; Labyrinth; One of Us and Medici, among others, and in theatre he worked at the Royal Shakespeare Company under the direction of Trevor Nunn. His theatre credits include other important plays such as Blackwater Angel, Hamlet, Electra, The Way South, The Border, The Strangeness Of Others, The Tutor, Arturo Ui, The Tempest or The Seagull. Son of an Irish father and an Italian mother, he is also an author and has published two novels: Torn Water (2005) and Falling Out of Heaven (2010).


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