Erich Roland
Scheda di Erich RolandPersona conosciuta per Waiting for Superman (film)
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I crediti cinematografici e televisivi di ERICH ROLAND (Direttore della Fotografia) comprendono: "Teach" "Alaska, the World and Wally Hickel", "Manhunt", "Obama 2012 Convention Film", "The Road We've Traveled", "Into Harm's Wa", "From The Sky Down", "Out Of The Ashes: 9/11", "2010 Inside", "Waiting For Superman", "Somali Pirate Takedown: The Real Story", "Einstein", "How to Build a Better Being", "It Might Get Loud", "A Mother's Promise: Barack Obama Bio Film", "Documenting The Face Of America: Roy Stryker & The Fsa Photographers", "African American Lives", "Six Degrees Could Change The World", "American Masters", "Steep", "Nature", "The Hidden Epidemic: Heart Disease In America", "American Experience", "2006 Out Of Control: AIDS In Black America", "A Short History Of Sweet Potato Pie And How It Became A Flying Saucer", "Frontline", "The Open Road: America Looks At Aging", "Peter Jennings Reporting: Ufos – Seeing Is Believing", "Hunter & Hunted", "Slavery And The Making Of America", "Beyond The Movie: Alexander The Great", "Understanding", "Innovation: Life, Inspired", "Berga: Soldiers Of Another War", "The Louisiana Purchase", "The Ballad Of Bering Strait", "Nova", "Explosive Situations", "High Speed Impacts", "Bridges: Reaching Out", "Skyscrapers: Going Up", "The Art Of Norton Simon", "Great Books", "The Century", "Witnesses", "Magic Hour", "Pousse Café", "Blacklist: Hollywood On Trial", "One Survivor Remembers", "We Are The World: A 10th Anniversary Tribute", "Camouflage", "Out Of Ireland", "Understanding Sex", "Entertaining The Troops", "Clear Pictures, Power Of Water", "A Life: The Story Of Lady Bird", "Johnson", "Deep Blues", "On The Block", "Elliot Fauman", "Ph.D.", "The Johnstown Flood", "Gospel According To Al Green".