David Pastor

Scheda di David Pastor
Locandina David Pastor
Scheda relativa a David Pastor, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per Bird Box: Barcellona (film), The Head (serie), The Last Days (film)

Conosciuto per


Àlex Pastor, graduated from ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya), and David Pastor, postgraduate in film studies from Columbia University, began their respective careers in the field of short film. Àlex with The Natural Route, Best International Short Film at Sundance and nominated for a Goya Award, and David with Movie (Theater) Hero, Coca Cola Refreshing Filmmaker's Award. The success of both these productions allowed the brothers to make the leap to the United States in 2009 to direct their first full-length feature, Carriers, a tale with apocalyptic overtones starring Chris Pine. Three years later they wrote and directed The Last Days, set in a post-apocalyptic Barcelona, and then went on to work on the Ben Affleck and Matt Damon production for the SyFy Channel, Incorporated. Their most recent work as screenwriters and directors on the movie, The Occupant, was recently released by Netflix and stars Javier Gutiérrez. As screenwriters, the Pastor brothers have worked on the movies Self/ less, directed by Tarsem Singh featuring Ryan Reynolds and Ben Kingsley, and the Lluis Quilez movie starring Julia Stiles, Out of the Dark.



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