Dane DeHaan

Scheda di Dane DeHaan
Locandina Dane DeHaan
Scheda relativa a Dane DeHaan, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Nasce venerdì 6 Febbraio 1987 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA.
Persona conosciuta per Giovani ribelli – Kill Your Darlings (film), Chronicle (film), Ballerina (film), Oppenheimer (film), Life After Beth: L’amore ad ogni costo (film), ZeroZeroZero (serie), La storia di Lisey (serie), Metallica Through the Never (film), La cura dal benessere (film), The Staircase – Una morte sospetta (serie), Life (film), Valerian e la città dei mille pianeti (film), Devil’s Knot – Fino a prova contraria (film), The Kid (film), La ragazza dei tulipani (film)


Dane DeHaan has made a formidable impression on film, television and theatre audiences from the early stages of his career. DeHaan began his career under the direction of Oscar nominee, John Sayles in the film, AMIGO in 2011. DeHaan received an Obie award for his performance on-stage in the off-Broadway production of THE ALIENS in 2010 at the age of 24. DeHaan's first main television role followed, in the critically acclaimed HBO show, "In Treatment". In 2012, DeHaan starred in the breakout film, CHRONICLE, which put him on the map in the film world. Following the success of CHRONICLE, DeHaan starred in DEVIL'S KNOT, LAWLESS, and had a small role in Steven Spielberg's, LINCOLN. DeHaan's pivotal role in Derek Cianfrance film, THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES caught the eyes of independent filmmakers and his performance in the film solidified him as both a character actor and a leading man. Following, DeHaan was nominated for a Gotham award for his role in KILL YOUR DARLINGS, for his portrayal of Lucien Carr. The film and DeHaan's performance garnered rave reviews. Also in 2013, DeHaan starred in METALLICA THROUGH THE NEVER, an IMAX thriller concert film in which he portrayed a young roadie. Dane also starred in the music video for, "I Bet My Life" by Imagine Dragons. DeHaan is currently the face of Prada in the brand's most recent ad campaign. This marks DeHaan's fourth Prada campaign. DeHaan's additional film credits include; LIFE AFTER BETH, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2, playing the infamous Harry Osbourne, LIFE, in which he portrayed James Dean, TWO LOVERS AND A BEAR (currently in theatres) and TULIP FEVER. This summer, DeHaan will star in Luc Besson's passion project, VALERIAN AND THE CITY OF A THOUSAND PLANETS as Valerian. DeHaan resides in New York City. 


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[Schermo Intero]
Dane DeHaan in La storia di Lisey 1x01 [tag: Dane DeHaan] [credit: courtesy of Apple]
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