Belle Avery

Scheda di Belle Avery
Locandina Belle Avery
Scheda relativa a Belle Avery, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per Shark 2 – L’Abisso (film)

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BELLE AVERY (Producer) is an award-winning producer who has worked in many facets of the entertainment industry on a global level for more than 25 years. Avery’s entertainment career started in editing and copywriting at an award-winning boutique trailer house in the film industry.
Avery adapted two important novels, In Search of Sugihara and Man’s Fate. “In Search of Sugihara” is an adaptation of Professor Hillel Levin’s historical biography about an elusive Japanese diplomat who risked his life to rescue 10,000 Jews during the Holocaust, which won the Academy Award. “Man’s Fate” is an adaptation of the famous Andre Malraux novel about human suffering during the Chinese Revolution. Avery also produced “Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead” with Academy Award winner Sidney Lumet directing; the film won the coveted American Film Institute Award.
Avery developed and produced “The Meg,” which she optioned from author Steve Alten and then strategically developed as a co-production with China/Gravity Pictures—putting together the financing and distribution for the project, before taking it to Warner Bros. for a worldwide distribution deal (Ex-China).
“The Meg” was the blockbuster hit of Summer 2018 and was the most successful US/China co-production to date, bringing in global revenues of over $530 million at the box office.
Avery is currently developing “The Loch,” based on another Steve Alten novel to go into production in 2023. [dal pressbook di Shark 2 – L’Abisso]




Shark 2 - L'Abisso

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