Aria Shahghasemi
Scheda di Aria Shahghasemi
Scheda relativa a Aria Shahghasemi, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per Legacies (serie)
Persona conosciuta per Legacies (serie)
Conosciuto per
![Scheda Legacies locandina Legacies](
Al momento per Aria Shahghasemi non disponiamo di una biografia.Filmografia
Al momento per Aria Shahghasemi non disponiamo di una filmografia.Seriegrafia
Cast Artistico
- 1x15 - Il rapimento di Landon - Legacies... ... Landon Kirby
- 1x16 - There's Always a Loophole - Legacies... ... Landon Kirby
Non abbiamo trovato notizie correlate a Aria Shahghasemi.VIDEO CORRELATI A Aria Shahghasemi
Al momento per Aria Shahghasemi non disponiamo di video correlati.
[Schermo Intero]
![Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby in Legacies 2×01 ‘I’ll Never Give Up Hope’](
![Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby in Legacies 2×01 ‘I’ll Never Give Up Hope’](
![Kaylee Bryant come Josie Saltzman, Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby in Legacies 2×02 ‘This Year Will Be Different’](
![Kaylee Bryant come Josie Saltzman, Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby in Legacies 2×02 ‘This Year Will Be Different’](
![Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby, Danielle Rose Russell come Hope Mikaelson in Legacies 2×03 ‘You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know’](
![Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby, Danielle Rose Russell come Hope Mikaelson in Legacies 2×03 ‘You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know’](
![Kaylee Bryant come Josie Saltzman, Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby, Danielle Rose Russell come Hope Mikaelson, Matt Davis come Alaric Saltzman in Legacies 2×04 ‘Since When Do You Speak Japanese?’](
![Kaylee Bryant come Josie Saltzman, Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby, Danielle Rose Russell come Hope Mikaelson, Matt Davis come Alaric Saltzman in Legacies 2×04 ‘Since When Do You Speak Japanese?’](
![Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby, Kaylee Bryant come Josie Saltzman, Alexis Denisof come Professor Vardemus in Legacies 2×07 ‘It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough’](
![Kaylee Bryant come Josie Saltzman, Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby in Legacies 2×07 ‘It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough’](
![Danielle Rose Russell come Hope Mikaelson, Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby in Legacies 2×08 ‘This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent’](
![Danielle Rose Russell come Hope Mikaelson, Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby in Legacies 2×08 ‘This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent’](
![Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby, Thomas Doherty come Sebastian in Legacies 2×09 ‘I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You’](
![Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby, Thomas Doherty come Sebastian in Legacies 2×09 ‘I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You’](
![Aria Shahghasemi come Landon Kirby in Legacies 2×11 ‘This Is Why We Don’t Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies’](
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