Amelia Hoy

Scheda di Amelia Hoy
Locandina Amelia Hoy
Scheda relativa a Amelia Hoy, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per The Rain (serie), The Head (serie)

Conosciuto per

locandina The Rain
The Rain
locandina The Head
The Head


Amelia Hoy is an all-round actress with international projection, recently featured in an episode of Season Two of Killing Eve and in the Spanish miniseries En el corredor de la muerte, with Miguel Ángel Silvestre. Born in California, of Danish origin, Amelia Hoy graduated from The Danish National School of Performing Arts in 2015, one of the most prestigious centers in performing arts training in Denmark. Since then, Hoy hasn't stopped working, both in Denmark and abroad. In addition to the titles already mentioned, we have also seen Amelia in the Danish series Below The Surface and in the movie Tom of Finland, among other productions.


Al momento per Amelia Hoy non disponiamo di una filmografia.


Cast Artistico

The Head(2020)
- 1x01 - Episodio 1 - The Head... ... Heather Blake, ufficiale computer
The Rain(2018)
- 3x01 - Non arrendetevi - The Rain... ... Straniero (Guardia)
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