Alexandre Willaume

Scheda di Alexandre Willaume
Locandina Alexandre Willaume
Scheda relativa a Alexandre Willaume, con biografia, filmografia, seriegrafia, notizie, video correlati.
Persona conosciuta per La Ruota del Tempo (serie), 1899 (serie), Equinox (serie), The Head (serie)

Conosciuto per

locandina 1899
locandina Equinox
locandina The Head
The Head


Alexandre Willaume trained at The Danish School of Theatre and since enjoyed a varied career both on stage and screen. Alexandre's most recent film credits include Tomb Raider, Valerian and The City of a Thousand Planets, and lead in Good Favour and in Where Have All The Good Men Gone as well as numerous Danish television roles, including a major role in Season 2 and 3 of the award winning show Rita, and a leading role in an episode of Those Who Kill. And just had a role in Season 3 of Follow The Money and in Seasons 1 and 2 of Below The Surface. Abroad, Alexandre has also played major roles in two seasons of The Last Kingdom as Kjartan, as well as in Hidden, Deep State and Home Fires. Alexandre has also provided voice over work on animated features including Batman (the voice of Batman for Danish fans), Megamind and The Lorax.


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