Out Stealing Horses (2019)
Out Stealing HorsesNovember, 1999. Following the death of his wife, 67-year-old Trond Sander has retired from Oslo to a small village in the east of Norway. The millennium is coming to an end, and so too it would appear is Trond's life. One winter night he suddenly recognises an old acquaintance from his youth in his neighbour, Lars. The encounter brings back memories of 1948 when Trond spent an entire summer in a simple wooden hut by the river with his much-admired father. Long afternoons in the forest, rides on wild horses and hard work felling wood begin to blur into a series of images of carefree happiness but also fateful experiences. Filmed in the midst of a breathtaking landscape of mountains and rivers between Norway and Sweden, Hans Petter Moland unfolds a drama about love, loss and disappointment, lifelong traumas and feelings of guilt. Based on Per Petterson's award-winning novel 'Ut og stjæle hester' ('Out Stealing Horses'), the film also addresses Norway's Nazi past. The oscillation between collaboration and resistance also had an impact on personal decisions and became an indelible part of Trond's childhood memories.
Info Tecniche e Distribuzione
Genere: DrammaticoNazione: Norvegia - 2019
Durata: 122 minuti
Formato: Colore
Produzione: 4 1/2 Film, Helgeland Film (co-produzione), Norwegian Film Institute, Zentropa Entertainments, Zentropa International Sweden
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