Fantasia (2014) (2014)
Fantasia (2014)Info Tecniche e Distribuzione
Genere: DrammaticoNazione: Cina, Francia - 2014
Durata: N.d.
Formato: Colore
Presentato al Festival di Cannes 2014 nella sezione Un Certain Regard.

Note di Regia
Director's Note This film Fantasia was shot in Chong Qing— one industry city lies beside the Yangtse River in the west-south of China. In this city, along the Yangtse River, there are many factories left from Mao's times. With Deng Xiaoping's reform of economic and institutional system, many factories have gone bankrupt, and a few have been still struggling. The geographical position, spatial structure and the whole atmosphere, in this city Chong Qing, constitute the most suitable visual basic of this film. Fantasia continued the theme which had been showed in my previousfilms.I paid much attention to people'sspiritual quality and the complexity of the human nature in the midst of suffering as before. However, compared with my previous works of similiar theme,such as "The Orphan of Anyang"(2001) and "Luxury Car"(2006), this film tried to surpass its "austere" realism,and so it seems more philosophical and poetic. It looks it is scattered-point and group persective. However, it hasits potential hero which isthat boy named by Lin. Via this boy,reality and non-reality,life and death, as well as our pursuit and degradation,all together, form certain spirit, to safeguard our last dignity.If we can say Mother and Sister save Father through their practical effort, however, this weak boy, was in his fantasia or imagination rather than in reality,to saveFather, kill Father,and to look for "Father"(that beard man on the ship)…The above is my preliminary set about this film, and that is also why I named it Fantasia.
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