Il testimone di un omicidio viene assassinato da un cecchino mentre era sotto la protezione dell'FBI. Spackman chiede aiuto alla squadra di Abbott per evitare che anche l'altra testimone venga uccisa. Jane scopre che la famiglia del sospettato e' in contatto con l'intermediario del sicario attraverso un sito di giochi on line.
A hitman murders a witness to a brutal murder perpetrated by one Kelvin Bittaker, while the other witness, Lily Stoppard (Alexa Vega) is put under FBI protection as she plans to testify against Bittaker. While Agent Spackman (from "Nothing But Blue Skies") returns to get the team's help on the case, the FBI learns that the entire Bittaker family consists of criminals. The mother, Belinda (Mary Kay Place) makes the decisions while the hitman is discovered to have been hired through a video game that one of Belinda's sons plays. They encounter the hitman at a house traced via the player that the son is communicating with, but the hitman escapes. Knowing that Lily is being targeted during her transfer from her hotel to the courtroom, Jane has the FBI strategize against any scenario where the hitman can get the drop on them within the hotel. The hitman enters the hotel and unleashes smoke on every floor, and the team swaps out Lily for Vega, who wears a wig. This successfully fools the hitman, allowing Cho to shoot him. Lisbon, meanwhile, realizes that the directions Jane gave her within the hotel diverted her from any of the action, and while Jane claims it was for her protection, she calls him out for preventing her from doing her job.
Serie Televisiva: The MentalistStagione: 7 - Episodio: 8
Titolo Italiano: Il Bianco dei suoi Occhi
Titolo Originale: The Whites of His Eyes
Prima Visione Assoluta: mercoledì 21 Gennaio 2015 su CBS
Prima Visione USA: mercoledì 21 Gennaio 2015 su CBS
Prima Visione Italia: mercoledì 29 Aprile 2015 su Premium Crime
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico, Mistero, Thriller
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