Deeks e Sam sono tratti in salvo dai loro torturatori. Il team riesce finalmente a rintracciare le testate atomiche e, dopo una breve fuga, Callen riesce a rintracciare il Camaleonte e a spedirlo in galera.
Deeks and Sam are being held and tortured. Michelle shoots Sam and Deeks, who are wired with squibs, to prove her loyalty to Sidorov. Sidorov makes a deal with Janvier for the exchange of the nuclear weapons. NCIS learns that the bombs are located on a ship. Janvier manages to escape after the exchange. Deeks and Sam are hospitalized.Sam leaves the hospital to help rescue Michelle who has acquired Sidorov's phone. Eric extracts information from it and reveals the location of the bombs. Sidorov escapes with Michelle as his captive before Sam and Kensi can save her. They find out Sidorov has a helicopter on its way to the roof and Sam and Kensi rush to the roof, but are outmatched and almost defeated until Deeks saves the day. Callen tracks Janvier to a hotel room and finds a mutilated Vaziri, but Callen is able to stop Janvier from escaping again.
Serie Televisiva: NCIS: Los AngelesStagione: 5 - Episodio: 1
Titolo Italiano: Pericolo nucleare
Titolo Originale: Ascension
Prima Visione Assoluta: martedì 24 Settembre 2013 su CBS
Prima Visione USA: martedì 24 Settembre 2013 su CBS
Prima Visione Italia: giovedì 13 Marzo 2014 su Rai 2
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico, Mistero
Cast e personaggi
Cast non disponibile per l'episodio 1 della 5a stagione della serie NCIS: Los Angeles
Cast e Ruoli principali della serie NCIS: Los Angeles:
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