Danny e Baez indagano su un marine affetto da sindrome post-traumatica. Intanto una donna in cerca di giustizia per l'assassinio dellla figlia affronta Frank durante una conferenza stampa.
Danny and Baez must track down a Marine veteran, Corporal John Russell, who very nearly beat his wife to death and then kidnapped his own son. Danny believes that Russell is experiencing very bad symptoms of PTSD brought on by his service in Afghanistan – something Danny has struggled with in the past as well. He eventually finds Russell standing on the roof of their first family apartment building, ready to leap to his death with his son. Danny talks him down enough to save the boy, but Russell sees death as the only way out and jumps to his death. Meanwhile, Frank is caught off guard during a press conference by Betty Lowe, a mother seeking justice for her murdered daughter. After speaking with Betty in private, Frank learns that she believes the wrong man went to prison for her daughter's murder and that the real killer is still out there. He quietly asks Erin to look into the case, and she, too, notes some suspicious elements, inspiring Frank to reopen the case on Betty's behalf.
Serie Televisiva: Blue BloodsStagione: 4 - Episodio: 13
Titolo Italiano: Conto In Sospeso
Titolo Originale: Unfinished Business
Prima Visione Assoluta: venerdì 17 Gennaio 2014 su CBS
Prima Visione USA: venerdì 17 Gennaio 2014 su CBS
Prima Visione Italia: venerdì 1 Agosto 2014 su Rai 2
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico
Cast e personaggi
Cast non disponibile per l'episodio 13 della 4a stagione della serie Blue Bloods
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