Un sospetto pedofilo viene pestato a sangue ed Andy scopre che Marlo ha condotto un'indagine non autorizzata sulla vittima. Intanto, mentre Swarek fa pressione affinché Andy copra le attività di Marlo, una grossa operazione anti-droga prende una piega inaspettata perché Swarek decide di aiutare Marlo.
POLICE LOG: A suspected pedophile is found beaten unconscious in his home. An officer from 15 Division may have been involved in the assault. Detailed report follows: Marlo can't let go of the feeling she has that Kevin Ford, a suspect she encountered in "What I Lost," is a pedophile. The guy was cleared of any wrongdoing, but that doesn't stop Marlo from sneaking around his place. Ford catches her snooping and vows to make her pay. Andy notices her colleague's obsession back at 15. She doesn't think much of it until she answers an assault call. Kevin Ford has been beaten unconscious inside his home. A neighbor saw Marlo arguing with the victim the night before. Chris is glad to be back at 15. He's jazzed to celebrate at night with his friends. Gail doesn't want to party, but Dov convinces her that Chris needs them. It doesn't matter that most of the officers of 15 have been pulling all-nighters lately on a task force to clean up drugs on the street. It's Sam's operation, but Traci is calling a lot of the shots. Then she takes over completely. That's because Sam receives a call from Andy saying Marlo is in trouble. When Marlo manically rattles off all the circumstantial evidence she's been collecting, Andy has no choice but to tell Sam that she's bipolar. The cops are combing through Ford's place. They'll likely find Marlo's prints at his house. Sam heads over to the crime scene. Andy learns that Marlo went off her meds because she fell in love with Sam. She just wanted to feel it for real. She also reveals that she went inside Ford's house. Sam knows that it's only a matter of time before forensics identifies her prints off the guy's computer keyboard. He wants Andy to alter Marlo's memo notes to state that she was inside the house when they were investigating him. Andy is uneasy about carrying through Sam's request, but she does it anyway. She feels immediate remorse. Back at the crime scene, Oliver continues to canvass the area. He comes across a neighbor who looks as though he's been in a fight. Ford's attacker has been found. Oliver lets Andy know that it wasn't because of anything she did. Luke lets Sam know that Ford tried to lure the son of the man who beat him up into his home. The guy's radar was up because an identified cop had been going door-to-door asking questions about his neighbor the week before. Traci recognizes that one of the drug buyers she's watching is soldier for a gang that hangs way across town. Something isn't right. With Sam MIA, Traci calls Steve Peck for advice. They learn that the head of the deadly Dowling crew, Jackson Irving, is supplying his men with guns to take out the competition. Steve Peck wants to get everyone on a conspiracy to commit murder charge. They'll take them down when they make their move. Traci knows they are not prepared for such an operation, but Steve convinces her to press forward without backup. Traci and Steve head inside the building where the hit is to take place. They are both nervous. Steve tries to act like he's not, but Traci calls him on it. This has the gins and gangs man admitting that he's falling for her hard. The two nervous detectives brace themselves for their showdown with the gang soldiers. They order the thugs to lay down their weapons while backing them outside. Nick, Chloe, Dov and Gail arrive moments later. The gunmen are surrounded. They have no choice but to surrender. A sigh of relief is exhaled by all and a dangerous crime lord has been taken off the streets. At the end of a long shift, Dov and Gail put on their fake party faces for Chris, who desperately misses Christian. Andy confronts Sam about how easy it is for him to come up with his own set of rules. She'd much rather follow the rules everyone else does. She also would like to be open which is why she tracks down Nick to come clean about her day. In other relationship news, Traci asks Steve out on a date. As for Sam, he lets Marlo know that everything turned out okay. For now.
Serie Televisiva: Rookie BlueStagione: 4 - Episodio: 11
Titolo Italiano: Imbroglio
Titolo Originale: Deception
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 29 Agosto 2013 su ABC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 29 Agosto 2013 su ABC
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 4 Agosto 2014 su TIMvision
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico
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