Frank viene coinvolto nella sparatoria contro Angelo Gallo, noto avvocato della mafia. Intanto, Danny lavora come giurato in un caso di omicidio.
Mob lawyer Angelo Gallo is shot in an attempted hit moments after leaving a dinner with Frank and narrowly escapes with his life. Gallo recently told mob boss Frank Romano that he would no longer represent him, leading Frank to believe that Gallo is withholding important information about Romano's illegal activities. After pressuring him repeatedly, Frank finally gets Gallo to turn and give up confidential information that implicates Romano in the murder of the chief witness in his criminal trial. In order to keep Gallo safe, Frank has him arraigned for hindering the prosecution, giving the appearance that he never turned on the powerful mob boss at all. Meanwhile, Danny gets put on a trial jury and winds up being the sole dissenting opinion in the murder case against DeShawn Williams, who is accused of stabbing a young woman to death outside the deli where she worked. He manages to convince other jurors to change their verdict, but he butts heads with another juror enough to cause a mistrial. After the jury is released, Danny is assigned to reinvestigate the case with Baez, and they ultimately discover that the chief witness against DeShawn committed the murder herself and lied to the cops and prosecutors. Eddie is sexually assaulted by a man she went on a date with and too embarrassed to report it. Jamie prevents her from taking revenge into her own hands, then encourages her to take a stand and report the assault. Eventually, Eddie agrees to report it, and she and Jamie publicly arrest the perpetrator.
Serie Televisiva: Blue BloodsStagione: 4 - Episodio: 8
Titolo Italiano: Giustizia è fatta
Titolo Originale: Justice Served
Prima Visione Assoluta: venerdì 15 Novembre 2013 su CBS
Prima Visione USA: venerdì 15 Novembre 2013 su CBS
Prima Visione Italia: domenica 1 Giugno 2014 su RSI LA2
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico
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