4×02 – Testa di piovra – Grimm
Galleria 4x02
Testa di piovra (Octopus Head) è l'episodio numero 2 della Stagione 4 della serie televisiva Grimm.
Girato in USA, dura circa 45 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta venerdì 31 Ottobre 2014 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia mercoledì 18 Febbraio 2015 su Premium Action.


Mentre Nick e Hank rivolgono la loro attenzione ad una serie di attacchi in cui le vittime rimangono senza ricordi, Nick pensa a come riprendere le sue capacita' di Grimm. Il capitano Renard continua a lottare per la sua vita quando un visitatore misterioso arriva ad aiutarlo. Adalind si trova in una situazione pericolosa.

There's only one question on everyone's minds at the start of the episode: Did Sean Renard really die? Read on to find out. As soon as time of death is called, our mysterious blonde woman storms into Renard's hospital room, her eyes glowing bright blue. She freezes the doctors and nurses and pulls a two-headed snake from her bag. With one head biting into Renard and the second biting into her, we see color flood back into the captain's face. When it's done, the snake falls to the floor and fades into dust. The woman faints and the doctors around her come back to life. And then, Captain Renard breathes in a gulp of air and momentarily woges. In Vienna, Viktor gets an unexpected surprise when Adalind shows up at his gate. Desperate to see her daughter, Adalind promises she's done as she was asked and stripped Nick of his Grimm powers. Viktor is hesitant to believe her, knowing Weston Steward's head was cut off, but he lets her in anyway. He further keeps Adalind distracted with made-up anecdotes about Diana as he leads her to a dungeon and traps her inside. Once there, Viktor admits The Resistance took Diana from him and also lets slip that Renard's been shot. Trubel, meanwhile, remains hot on the trail of the Gedachtnis Esser, watching him check into a new hotel and getting his room number. She informs Nick and Hank and is ready to go full Grimm, but they advise her to only observe. After getting a sandwich, Trubel stands guard outside of Anderson's door and listens in. Inside, he's donned a pair of glasses and dyed his hair darker, making him nearly unrecognizable. Anderson sorts through his stolen memories in order to contact one of Slocombe's associates, Kent Vickers. He arranges a face-to-face meeting, which sends Trubel bolting down the hallway just before Anderson exits his room. But in her haste, Trubel leaves sandwich crumbs behind and Anderson doesn't miss it. Trubel is getting too close for anyone's comfort. At the hospital, a much better looking Renard wakes up to the feel of the blonde woman stroking his face. He takes one look at her and says... Mother?! There's no time to linger on the reveal, though, with a case to solve. When Nick and Hank learn Anderson works in defense technologies, they call up one of his coworkers. Their chat reveals the Wesen they're after is not the real Anderson at all. The real Anderson suffered the same four wounds to the back of the head as Slocombe. Noting the victims' defense technology connection, Hank and Nick realize Anderson is after military secrets. Trubel phones then from the back of a bus, the latest location she's followed Anderson to. Hank again warns her to be careful and we already know she's not going to listen. At the same time, Agent Chavez stops by for a private word with Nick. She questions him some more about Renard, Weston Steward and Trubel before getting to the real purpose of her visit: to find out if Nick is a Grimm. Mid-conversation, Chavez woges but Nick doesn't flinch. Later, she tells someone over the phone that Nick isn't the Grimm, but she has an idea who is. And Chavez isn't the only one with suspicions about Trubel. When Nick rejoins Hank, Hank confides that Wu is starting to put the pieces together about Trubel's real identity. Since the start of the episode, Monroe and Rosalee have been frantically searching for a way to restore Nick's powers at the Spice Shop, but now, someone wants them to stop: Juliette! Nick's ladylove visits the newlyweds and suggests it would be better for her and Nick if he remained normal. Monroe and Rosalee are stunned but they agree to honor Juliette's request. They also keep looking. Back at the hospital, Renard catches his mom up to speed, revealing to her that it was the royal family who attacked him. He also comes clean about fathering a child with Adalind. Renard's mother wonders when she can meet her; we know the answer is most likely never. Anderson is nearly at Vickers' house when Nick and Hank call Trubel to check in. She gives them the intersection of her current location but unsurprisingly, doesn't stay put. When she sees Anderson enter a house, she circles it, trying to find a way in. Unfortunately, Anderson spots her just before he woges. He sneaks up behind Trubel and knocks her unconscious, just as she sees Vickers' body passed out on the floor. Speaking of being on the floor, Adalind awakes with a start in her Vienna cell surrounded by rats. The reveal of her hexenbiest forms send them scurrying but also draws the attention of someone else. As Adalind sits there repeating she just wants her baby, a small hole opens in the wall before her. A person laughs from beyond it, toying with Adalind, saying only that his name is for her to find out. Trubel is slapped awake by Anderson, who knows she's been following him and knows she's not a cop. But when he woges, she shuts her eyes, leaving him unaware of her Grimm status. He leaves her to extract Vickers' memories, but as soon as Anderson's back is turned, Trubel kicks him off. She lands a few more hits before Anderson tosses her into a coffee table, knocking her out again. Ready to learn the truth about his attacker, Anderson prepares to steal Trubel's memories. Nick and Hank, who learned where Anderson was headed after seeing Vickers' address written down in his hotel room, bust into the home just as flashes of violent Wesen attacks flood Anderson's mind. He realizes Trubel is a Grimm and flings himself off of her, shouting and covering his eyes. Nick rushes to Trubel's side and is relieved to find she still has her memory. Hank checks on Vickers and luckily he too is unaffected. With Anderson locked up and still haunted by Trubel's memories, Nick and Hank pay their captain a visit. Nick reveals he's not a Grimm anymore and Renard returns the shock by introducing his impressively ageless mother, Elizabeth Lascelles. The next morning, a fully recovered Trubel gorges herself on bacon before borrowing Juliette's bike and heading out. Wu watches her go before knocking on Nick's door. He shows Nick Trubel's surveillance photo from season three and asks for an explanation. Nick doesn't have time to give him one before he's hit with a blinding headache - and so is Adalind! Each one feels searing pain and, strangely, sees from the other's point of view. But as fast as it came, the pain passes, leaving both Adalind and Nick unsure of what just happened. The same, unfortunately, is also true for Trubel, who finds herself thrown into the back of a truck with a bag draped over her head at episode's end. Does Portland ever have dull days? Is Adalind's spell wreaking new havoc on her and Nick? What does Agent Chavez want with Trubel? And how will Nick choose between leading a normal life and being a Grimm again? Fingers crossed next week's episode has the answers.


Serie Televisiva: Grimm
Stagione: 4 - Episodio: 2
Titolo Italiano: Testa di piovra
Titolo Originale: Octopus Head
Prima Visione Assoluta: venerdì 31 Ottobre 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: venerdì 31 Ottobre 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: mercoledì 18 Febbraio 2015 su Premium Action
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Drammatico, Fantastico, Horror

Cast e personaggi

Cast non disponibile per l'episodio 2 della 4a stagione della serie Grimm

Cast e Ruoli principali della serie Grimm:
foto David Giuntoli

David Giuntoli

Nick Burkhardt
(1 episodi)
foto Russell Hornsby

Russell Hornsby

Hank Griffin
(1 episodi)
foto Elizabeth Tulloch (Bitsie Tulloch)

Elizabeth Tulloch

Juliette Silverton
(1 episodi)
foto Silas Weir Mitchell

Silas Weir Mitchell

Eddie Monroe
(1 episodi)
foto Sasha Roiz

Sasha Roiz

Capitano Sean Renard
(1 episodi)
foto Reggie Lee

Reggie Lee

Sergente Wu
(1 episodi)


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