4×01 – L’inizio della fine – Community
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L'inizio della fine (History 101) è l'episodio numero 1 della Stagione 4 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 7 Febbraio 2013 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia mercoledì 24 Aprile 2013 su Comedy Central.


Il gruppo si riunisce dopo la pausa estiva: Jeff e' pronto a laurearsi, mentre il preside Pelton organizza una complicata gara, per affidare i pochi posti rimasti del corso di storia. Britta aiuta Abed ad affrontare l'ansia da separazione per la futura rottura del gruppo di studio.

What do you do when it's your last first day of school ever? Why, go to your happy place to keep from panicking, of course! Abed's happy place is Greendale Community College as a live sitcom, with Fred Willard as Pierce. At school, the whole gang is excited about senior year - they're determined to make it count. When they round the corner to their History of Ice Cream classroom, they see that it's been overbooked, but Jeff, who got there uncharacteristically early, saved them all seats. Dean Pelton enters the classroom to inform everyone that the registration system was hacked and the admission cards to this class are counterfeit. To assure fairness, he invites students to participate in "The Hunger Deans," a series of strength and agility tests, to win admission into the class. Nobody's into the crazy idea except Jeff. Seeing as he took some online courses, he's ready to graduate early and needs this history credit now. The gang's in disbelief at this hurtful desertion, but Jeff promises to win seven seats so that they can all take this last class together. As Abed and Pierce sit on the sidelines and watch "The Hunger Deans," Abed keeps slipping in and out of his happy place sitcom show. Would it really be so bad never to leave Greendale? They look on as Jeff heroically fights his way through the games, winning seats left and right, throwing punches at Leonard. Meanwhile, Annie and Shirley plan a senior prank: filling up the Dean's car with popcorn! Hand in hand, Britta and Troy stroll towards the fountain with a jar of coins. Making wishes on the first day of school has always been a tradition for Troy and Abed. Britta, however, messes up all the rules. She doesn't wish for a thousand wishes and doesn't consider guaranteed ironic consequences when making her wishes. As Annie and Shirley fill up the Dean's car with popcorn kernels, Annie panics. What's the rush to graduate, anyway? So she can be a miserable hospital administrator who's buried under paperwork? Back at the cafeteria, Jeff does a seductive tango with the Dean. As they dance, Jeff accuses the Dean of not wanting him to graduate: after all, why did the second history class magically disappear from the schedule after Jeff took summer classes? The Dean reluctantly hands over the sixth seat to Jeff. Meanwhile, in an Inception-like feat, sitcom Abed goes to sitcom Abed's happy place: an animated show called "Greendale Babies" where him and all of his friends will be babies... forever. In real life, the gang notices Abed's odd behavior and realizes that he's lost in the depths of his own mind. All six of them team up to get him out of it, and it works! Abed realizes that change is scary, yes, but it's inevitable and it usually always turns out great. Besides, no matter what, his friends will always be by his side. While helping out Abed, Jeff ends up losing all of his History of Ice Cream seats. When Jeff returns home, he finds the Dean waiting for him in the hallway. The Dean apologizes for hurting him and assures Jeff that another history class is being offered this semester. The icing on the cake? The Dean just purchased the apartment directly across from Jeff's and now they'll be like almost-roomies. Looks like a lot of changes are in store this year, some of them disturbing. Elsewhere, a partially nude man walks up to a postman and hands him a note: "Hello. My name is Kevin. I have Changnesia." Ben has returned!


Serie Televisiva: Community
Stagione: 4 - Episodio: 1
Titolo Italiano: L'inizio della fine
Titolo Originale: History 101
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 7 Febbraio 2013 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 7 Febbraio 2013 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: mercoledì 24 Aprile 2013 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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