Chang e' a capo del servizio di sicurezza del Greendale e i ragazzi organizzano un piano elaborato per infiltrarsi nel campus senza farsi beccare. Chang e' distratto dai preparativi per la festa del suo compleanno e Jeff e il gruppo lanciano la loro offensiva. Intanto Troy fa un patto con il diavolo.
The gang is meeting with Officer Cackowski. To make sure he has their story straight, he reads back their report: Chang has kidnapped the real Dean Pelton and replaced him with a "deanel-ganger." Jeff knows it sounds silly when said that way. The word we used was "dopple-deaner!" Shirley explains how the real dean would never have expelled the study group because he loved them. Unfortunately, Officer Cachowski cannot accept love as admissible evidence and warns the former students they'll be arrested if they're caught anywhere within 50 feet of Greendale. Chang and his army of kids have taken over the whole campus and turned it into something resembling a totalitarian military zone. To celebrate, Chang is planning a huge birthday party for himself. Realizing they need someone on the inside if they're going to find the dean, Troy turns to Murray from the air-conditioning repair annex. Murray admits he knows the dean is being held below the cafeteria and continues to explain the security measures Chang has put in place. To pull off this job, Troy is going to need the help of the Murray's team and that comes with a price. Troy explains to the group the complexity of rescuing Dean Pelton. Abed immediately knows what this means: elaborate heist! Jeff reminds the team they'll go to jail if they get caught. "Do you know how long someone as sarcastic as I am would last in prison? Such a long time!" Troy mentions another way in. If he enrolls in air conditioner school with Murray and gives up his Greendale friends, the AC people can get the dean out. Britta believes it's not worth losing Troy and Jeff agrees... We just have to plan an elaborate heist! Chang is celebrating in a Napoleon costume at his party. Even though Chang warns his guards to look out for the Greendale Seven, they still find a way to infiltrate the school. Shirley is disguised as a chef and sneaks Annie in. They clog up the toilets to gain Troy and Abed access with their plumber disguises. Jeff and Britta come undercover as rock 'n' roll magicians. Everything's going great until Pierce enters in his favorite swami outfit instead of waiting in the car as the getaway driver. Chang immediately recognizes Pierce, and it looks like the jig is up. In reality, the team planned on the plan looking like it was failing. They trick Chang into chasing the fake dean while the gang is walking out with the real version. The study group and Dean Pelton strut through the halls of the school like they've pulled off a scam from Ocean's Eleven. Change wises up and stops them before they can reach the main door. Pierce laughs at Chang saying he was only supposed to think this plan failed. "We've already left!" The rest of the gang realizes getting caught a second time wasn't the plan. The prisoners are led back to the cafeteria basement. Chang's is going to use the big firework show at the end of his keytar solo to burn up the records room and cover-up all of his misdeeds. While the crew looks for a way out of the basement, Chang starts his mutilated keytar version of Axel F back at the party. Troy understands there's only one way out. He nods in view of the AC maintenance camera and the fan that was blocking an exit immediately stops. The gang cheers, thinking it's a miracle, although Britta realizes what Troy had to sacrifice to set them free. Using a distraction, the Greendale Seven are able to take out Chang's army of kids and get to the records room just in time to cut the fireworks wire before Change finishes his keytar solo. Revealing to the board members at the party what Chang was really up to with the two deans, the board wonders how they can keep this whole scandal quiet. Dean Pelton claims he can keep it under wraps. Long ago, he made a pledge to swallow this school's failures and spit out degrees... 'cause that's what dean's do! Troy packs up his belongings to move to the AC school. Britta tells him not to go, but Troy knows a man's only as good as his word... or his nod to a maintenance camera. The group shares their parting words to Troy; however, he'd rather not think of it as goodbye. Think of it as something people say when they're never going to see each other again. Troy leaves with Murray for the school. His adventures in air-conditioning repair and maintenance have only begun.
Serie Televisiva: CommunityStagione: 3 - Episodio: 21
Titolo Italiano: Prima dinastia Chang
Titolo Originale: The First Chang Dynasty
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 17 Maggio 2012 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 17 Maggio 2012 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 7 Agosto 2012 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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