Seguendo il caso di un'eroinomane violentata, i detective trovano nella sua borsetta il dito di un bambino. Quale segreto nasconde la vittima?
A fairly routine rape case becomes much more when the detectives discover a child's finger in the victim's purse. Investigation yields the finger is related to the victim, either a daughter or a sister. The victim turns out to be a drug addict who refuses to be of any help to the detectives. Later, it is learned the finger belongs to the woman's young sister. The question then becomes what happened to the child? Murder or death by natural causes. The detectives question the victim's hard livin' mother who subsequently accuses her daughter of beating the child to death. The daughter, in turn, blames her mother. Evidence is found that implicates both women. Eventually, the grandmother of the family finally comes forward and reveals that her daughter, the original victim's mother, killed the young girl, as well as another child. Both times, the woman killed the children in frustrated anger when she could not control their behavior.
Serie Televisiva: Law & Order: Special Victims UnitStagione: 3 - Episodio: 21
Titolo Italiano: Madre e figlia
Titolo Originale: Denial
Prima Visione Assoluta: lunedì 13 Maggio 2002 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: lunedì 13 Maggio 2002 su NBC
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico, Mistero
Cast e personaggi
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