Matrimoni urbani e arte del panino (Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts) è l'episodio numero 11 della Stagione 3 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 15 Marzo 2012 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 29 Maggio 2012 su Comedy Central.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 15 Marzo 2012 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 29 Maggio 2012 su Comedy Central.
Pierce informa i ragazzi di voler espandere l'azienda di famiglia ora che il padre e' deceduto. Su suggerimento di Shirley, pensa di ampliare la caffetteria del Greendale vendendo panini. Ma quando l'ex marito di Shirley torna da lei chiedendole nuovamente di sposarla, Shirley fa sapere a Pierce di non poterlo aiutare nella nuova impresa perche' e' troppo occupata ad organizzare le sue nozze. Britta si propone per organizzare le nozze di Shriley in modo che lei possa lavorare con Pierce.
With open real estate in the Greendale cafeteria, Britta proposes that Shirley take her idea of opening a sandwich shop and make it a reality. Pierce has a ton of cash and is looking to invest; their teaming up is an obvious choice! The two decide to make the plunge and go into business together. Shirley's ex-husband (and now boyfriend) Andre interrupts with a romantic public proposal, and Shirley accepts! Looks like it's time for Shirley's wedding - the sequel! Later, the gang (minus Shirley) shares their thoughts on the institution of marriage. Pierce has had too many to count, while unsurprisingly, Annie has a wedding scrapbook exploding with ideas. Britta's hatred of marriage is no secret, as she rants on about it facilitating antiquated gender roles. Jeff has to agree; marriage was meant for a time when "till death do us part" meant "till your first cold." Of course, Jeff and Britta keep their opinions to themselves when the excited bride-to-be saunters in. When Britta mentions moving forward with the sandwich shop, Shirley insists that she simply doesn't have the time now that she's planning a wedding. Pierce decides to fall back on his plan C: the trouser bench. That is, until this ridiculous invention proves to be a bust and results in a trip to the emergency room. Troy and Abed are offended when Shirley asks that they act normal at her wedding, but they quickly realize that it's a legitimate request. Abed proposes a 24-hour weird-down, where they purge all the craziness from their systems in the Dreamatorium. Then, they should be able to get through Shirley's wedding like normal, civilized people. Britta approaches Shirley, upset that she's opting to put her dreams on hold for a wedding. Britta insists that if the wedding is her excuse, she'll plan it for her. This understandably sends Shirley into a fit of laughter and disbelief, but Britta's serious. Of course, she has Annie to help plan as well, who's more than up to the task. Shirley concedes and takes Britta up on the offer. As it turns out, Britta was destined to be a wedding planner. She accidentally puts together a gorgeous flower arrangement, leaving both the florist and Annie completely floored. Britta plans a beautiful wedding, somehow turning the study room into a gorgeous setting. She solemnly accepts her fate; clearly, she was meant to be a domestic drone. Twenty-four hours later, Troy and Abed emerge from the Dreamatorium, fully purged of their weirdness. They're ready to dress normal, act normal and be Shirley's perfect wedding guests. Shirley is clearly the brains behind their sandwich shop business plan, and the dean is very impressed by her business pitch. In fact, he's shocked to see that she learned all of this great information at Greendale. The dean sees no reason why her idea can't become a reality and promises to take it up with the board of directors. Shirley arrives late to the wedding rehearsal because of her meeting with the Dean, but she is excited to share her amazing news with Andre. But Andre could care less - how could she put something as silly as a sandwich shop before him? Shirley is shocked to learn that Andre doesn't want her to start a business; he wants her at home taking care of the kids. The two storm out of the study room - looks like a wedding may not be happening after all! Meanwhile, Jeff and Britta drink away their respective sorrows. Despite his endless efforts, Jeff simply can't put together a toast because he truly, deeply doesn't believe in marriage. How can any two people dedicate their lives to one another forever? Meanwhile, Britta mourns her inevitable future as a Stepford wife. These drunken messes decide that it's their destiny to be with one another, as Britta promises to be submissive and unhappy with Jeff for the rest of her life. The group and pastor watch on, stunned at what's unfolding before their eyes.es Shirley and Andre interrupt to stop the madness. Marriage isn't a joke; it's a lot of work and requires compromises from both sides. Shirley and Andre realize that they need to make compromises themselves, and Andre concedes that maybe it is time for Shirley to take the reins and start her own business. The two reunite in a romantic kiss, and the pastor declares them married. Screw rehearsal, this is the real deal! The gang celebrates their happy union. An Annie's Boobs sighting sparks an onset of weirdness in Troy, as he senses himself falling back into his old habits. He tries to drag Abed back with him, and after hinting at the threat of a Blorgon attack, Abed simply can't resist. Inspector Spacetime and Constable Reggie are back! The dean approaches Annie and Shirley to let Shirley know that the board loved her sandwich shop idea! They loved it so much, in fact, that they went ahead and sold the space to Subway. Shirley's left heartbroken, but the dean insists it's fair payback; why wasn't he invited to the wedding?!
Serie Televisiva: CommunityStagione: 3 - Episodio: 11
Titolo Italiano: Matrimoni urbani e arte del panino
Titolo Originale: Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 15 Marzo 2012 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 15 Marzo 2012 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 29 Maggio 2012 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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