3×10 – Una parodia di ‘Glee’ – Community
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Una parodia di 'Glee' (Regional Holiday Music) è l'episodio numero 10 della Stagione 3 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 8 Dicembre 2011 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 22 Maggio 2012 su Comedy Central.


Quando i membri del Greendale Glee Club hanno un esaurimento collettivo, il direttore Cory Radison chiede a Jeff e al suo gruppo di aiutarlo a preparare l'annuale sfilata natalizia. Superato lo scetticismo iniziale e soprattutto le varie posizioni ideologiche e religiose, i ragazzi si preparano ad affrontare questa nuova avventura.

It's the holiday season at Greendale. The gang talks about their plans when suddenly the glee club enters the cafeteria announcing the annual Christmas pageant. Just as they're breaking into their hip hop remix, Chang bursts in with a cease and desist order. It seems that they've been singing unlicensed songs without the artists' permission. Glee club has become history club. The news causes the club to have a collective nervous breakdown. Dean Pelton introduces the gang to choir director Cory Radison. Cory would like the GCC gang to replace the glee club. Who knows - maybe Jeff and the gang could save the Christmas pageant, after all. The gang quickly vetoes the idea and Cory rushes out of the study room. Later, Abed finds a discouraged Cory playing a song on the piano. Cory's uplifting, gleeful song inspires Abed to duet with him. "Glee is the gift that we need," they sing together. Inspired, Abed promises to get his friends to sing in the pageant. Abed tells Troy that he should join the Christmas performance. Troy says he's a Jehovah's Witness and therefore can't celebrate the holiday. Abed performs a rap song in which he tells Troy to only act as if he's celebrating Christmas; in actuality, Troy will be spying on the holiday. Soon Troy raps about the concept. Troy won't be celebrating Christmas, he'll be infiltrating it! Troy and Abed ask the gang to join their glee club. Nobody seems the least bit interested until Troy and Abed plead with Pierce. They tell him that his generation invented and perfected music. Then Troy and Abed sing an amazing medley of hits from past and present. They perform '50s jingles, classic rock and even a little new wave. Pierce is won over and immediately starts singing. Though Annie was against the glee club idea, when it's just her and Jeff she launches into a solo. Dressed as a sexy Santa's helper, she asks Jeff to teach her how to understand Christmas. Her seductive song and dance just irritates Jeff. He is committed to avoiding any singing this holiday season! Later, Pierce brings a chorus of adorable children dressed as angels to sing to Britta and Shirley. Touched, Shirley joins them for a gospel-infused song. Still committed to not singing, Annie runs to Jeff, her only ally. Trouble is, Jeff's in a singing mood too! Looks like Cory got his way and the gang will sing after all. Shortly before their performance, Cory tells Abed that they must stay a glee club forever. This isn't just a Christmas thing. Abed shudders. What has he gotten his friends in to? Backstage, Abed's intent on derailing the performance. He tells Britta that she's no longer playing the mute tree. She's going to be the Christmas Queen even though she hasn't rehearsed and doesn't know the lyrics. Moments later, she rushes onstage singing terribly and destroying the entire act. An upset Cory yells at Britta in front of the shocked audience. His gleeful performance turns into a total scene, shocking everyone. At one point, he even admits to killing the last glee club! Abed celebrates Christmas alone in his pajamas. That is, until he hears a knock at the door and his pals walk in, caroling. They're together again, just in time for the holidays.


Serie Televisiva: Community
Stagione: 3 - Episodio: 10
Titolo Italiano: Una parodia di 'Glee'
Titolo Originale: Regional Holiday Music
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 8 Dicembre 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 8 Dicembre 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 22 Maggio 2012 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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