Il preside Dean Pelton viene incaricato di girare uno spot televisivo per Greendale e chiede ai ragazzi del gruppo di interpretarlo. Abed, intanto, filma dietro le quinte quello che succede e il suo lavoro non passera' certo inosservato.
Dean Pelton tells that gang that he has $2,000 to shoot a new commercial for Greendale. The current one is outdated and looks like something out of 1992. Dean casts the crew with the sole exception of Abed who has another idea in mind; Abed plans to shoot a documentary of the "making of" the commercial. That way he can catalog the dean's descent into madness as he directs the GCC gang. The dean puts everyone to work. Annie loves her job as the script supervisor. The others struggle to learn their lines. Jeff portrays Dean Pelton in the commercial, bald head and all. But Jeff is secretly trying to sabotage the commercial by having the dean shoot him in front of a Luis Guzman statue. That way, the commercial will never get the legal clearance to air. Jeff's plan backfires; when Luis hears that Dean Pelton is including the statue in the commercial, Luis asks if he can actually participate. He'd love to act in the dean's debut film! With Luis Guzman involved, Pelton's over the moon. He decides to rewrite the entire script and reshoot the commercial. He also intends to give Jeff an even bigger part. Abed enjoys capturing Pelton's growing megalomania. Pelton forces Britta and Troy to do multiple takes. He insults their line readings and nearly pushes them over the edge. It takes him over 12 hours to shoot a scene. Even Annie starts to slowly lose her mind from lack of sleep. Upset by Luis' words, Dean Pelton films his resignation video. He invites the Greendale board members to watch it, but when he pushes play, a very professional, well-done Greendale commercial plays. Abed created the video to help out his friend. Touched, Dean Pelton asks his students for forgiveness. They have a group hug, and Troy and Britta hold on to each other for a beat longer than the rest of the gang. Later, Jeff Garlin finds Pierce in his trailer and throws a diva tantrum.
Serie Televisiva: CommunityStagione: 3 - Episodio: 8
Titolo Italiano: Riprese di un documentario: Redux
Titolo Originale: Documentary Filmmaking: Redux
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 17 Novembre 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 17 Novembre 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 8 Maggio 2012 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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