3×06 – Soluzione a sorpresa – Chicago Fire
Galleria 3x06
Soluzione a sorpresa (Madmen and Fools) è l'episodio numero 6 della Stagione 3 della serie televisiva Chicago Fire.
Girato in USA, dura circa 45 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta martedì 28 Ottobre 2014 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia venerdì 9 Ottobre 2015 su Premium Action.


Severide e Brett prendono a cuore il caso di una madre che rischia di vedersi portare via il figlio minorenne a causa di vecchie pendenze giudiziarie per maltrattamenti. Herrmann continua a prodigarsi nell'aiutare Dawson a scoprire i segreti del mestiere e la differenza tra l'addestramento e il vero lavoro sul campo. Un'iniziativa di Casey consente a Christie e Violet di risolvere la brutta situazione con Jim e tornare in possesso della loro vecchia casa.

Charged by his brother-in-law's audacity, Casey barges into Jim's office ready to rumble, only Jim sends him back with surprising news - it turns out that Christie co-signed every document authorizing the asset transfers. With Newhouse's help, Christie secures a solid lawyer, but he warns that a battle like this often ends poorly and without full compensation. Christie takes this to heart and shocks Casey by deciding to accept the settlement rather than fight it out with her soon-to-be ex. But his niece's fear and undeserved guilt pushes Casey to continue, and he requests Newhouse to dig deeper - and finds that Jim's mistress has a warrant out for her arrest in Alabama. Casey takes this evidence to Jim and pressures him to do right by his daughter... or risk losing his mistress and his money. Money's on Newhouse's mind when he enlists a reluctant Mills to help him with a recovery side job involving a stolen dog. Mills stands guard and suspects the worst when gunshots fire while Newhouse sprints from a house with the dog in his arms. The true dog's owner pays Newhouse handsomely for the risk and Mills feels uncomfortable with the whole deal... until Newhouse hands over his cut from the job. It's not all glory, though - Newhouse later takes a blindside beating from a hooded man that leaves him bleeding and reeling from the man's threat: he knows where to find Newhouse. Back on the job, Severide and Herrmann perform a balancing act to save a woman's son from a balcony railing disaster, but at the hospital police take him away from her, pointing to a past case of child abuse. When she begs Brett for assistance at 51, Severide denies the mother any slack and warns Brett about getting too close to victims. Brett advocates the opposite, intent that the mother deserves a second chance. She rallies Severide and they visit the mom - and discover everything in order with zero evidence of an abusive household. But even a good word with the overworked Child Protective Services lands them in a bureaucratic stalemate... until Brett demands they take action. In a huge win for Brett's morale, CPS rules in the mother's favor and reunites the child with his mom. The good vibes continue for Brett when Severide asks her on an impromptu trip to Vegas. She turns him down... did she just miss an opportunity? Opportunity knocks for Dawson, too as Herrmann pushes her to the limit, forcing her to train on frustrating drills she already learned at the academy. After a succession of exhausting activities, Dawson snaps and pleads with Herrmann to allow her to do her job - a chance she receives during a joint effort with a police matter that requires her to help break down a door. Herrmann calls on her to bust it down and, despite her earlier frustration, all the training pays off. She nails it. Casey receives a payoff too when all his pressure on Jim results in a major about-face - not only does Jim double the child support payments, he also covers his daughter's tuition and takes their house off the market. Despite all the good news, Casey elects to keep his methods a secret from Christie and Violet. Meanwhile, in Vegas, Severide's down to his last $75 at the craps table when he discovers a good luck charm - a beautiful woman. With his incessant urging, she scores assists him at the table and scores big on two rolls of the dice. The crowd erupts and Severide kisses her impulsively - and she kisses back. Hard.


Serie Televisiva: Chicago Fire
Stagione: 3 - Episodio: 6
Titolo Italiano: Soluzione a sorpresa
Titolo Originale: Madmen and Fools
Prima Visione Assoluta: martedì 28 Ottobre 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: martedì 28 Ottobre 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: venerdì 9 Ottobre 2015 su Premium Action
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Drammatico

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Cast e personaggi

Cast non disponibile per l'episodio 6 della 3a stagione della serie Chicago Fire

Cast e Ruoli principali della serie Chicago Fire:
foto Jesse Spencer

Jesse Spencer

Matthew Casey
(3 episodi)
foto Taylor Kinney

Taylor Kinney

Kelly Severide
(3 episodi)
foto David Eigenberg

David Eigenberg

Christopher Herrmann
(3 episodi)
foto Eamonn Walker

Eamonn Walker

Wallace Boden
(3 episodi)
foto Joe Minoso

Joe Minoso

Joe Cruz
(3 episodi)
foto Christian Stolte

Christian Stolte

Randall McHolland
(3 episodi)
foto Yuri Sardarov

Yuri Sardarov

Brian Zvonecek
(2 episodi)
foto Kara Killmer

Kara Killmer

Sylvie Brett
(2 episodi)
foto Miranda Rae Mayo

Miranda Rae Mayo

Stella Kidd
(2 episodi)
foto Annie Ilonzeh

Annie Ilonzeh

Emily Foster
(2 episodi)
foto Eloise Mumford

Eloise Mumford

Hope Jacquinot
(2 episodi)
foto Teddy Sears

Teddy Sears

Kyle Sheffield
(2 episodi)
foto Monica Raymund

Monica Raymund

Gabriela Dawson
(1 episodi)
foto Lauren German

Lauren German

Leslie Shay
(1 episodi)
foto Charlie Barnett (II)

Charlie Barnett

Peter Mills
(1 episodi)
foto Teri Reeves

Teri Reeves

Hallie Thomas
(1 episodi)


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