Questa volta il numero uscito appartiene ad una bambina immigrata di nome Gen, appassionata di spionaggio. La curiosita' la porta a registrare conversazioni pericolose tra la HR e i Russi per l'immissione sul mercato di una nuova droga sintetica, nota come "i sali da bagno" o "droga dei cannibali". Nel frattempo Laskey decide di eliminare Carter e le tende una trappola.
Finch informs Reese and Shaw that the new number belongs to an immigrant by the name of Genrika 'Gen' Zhirova, who they are surprised to learn is a 10 year-old girl living with her lowlife cousin Vadim in the Staten Island projects. When Gen is chased by a group of Russian mobsters who want to kidnap her, Reese and Shaw intervene, with Reese picking off wave after wave of thugs while Shaw keeps watch over Gen. Shaw learns that Gen, a little spy at heart, had taken to secretly recording the conversations of nearly everyone in her building. In the process, she recorded a conversation between HR and the Russian mob that detailed HR's plans to use the Russian distribution network to traffic bath salts. Now, both the Russians and HR are after her to get access to those tapes. The thugs get the drop on Shaw, shoot her, and nab Gen, but Shaw bravely soldiers on. After Reese and Carter interrogate one of the Russian higher ups for intel, Shaw tracks Detective Terney to the drug manufacturing center, subdues the thugs, and rescues Gen. Meanwhile, Laskey confronts Carter about her relationship with the man in the suit, threatening to take her out permanently. During the meeting, Carter shoots a retired dirty cop with Laskey's gun, then informs Laskey that she won't pin the murder on him if he agrees to work for her now. In flashback, we see glimpses of a terrible car accident that killed Shaw's father when she was very young, and the very muted reaction that she had to the event. Through the flashbacks and her interactions with Gen in present day, it becomes clear that Shaw responds very differently to emotional events than most people.
Serie Televisiva: Person of InterestStagione: 3 - Episodio: 5
Titolo Italiano: La conversazione
Titolo Originale: Razgovor
Prima Visione Assoluta: martedì 22 Ottobre 2013 su CBS
Prima Visione USA: martedì 22 Ottobre 2013 su CBS
Prima Visione Italia: domenica 2 Marzo 2014 su Premium Crime
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Drammatico, Crimine, Mistero
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