Nella sua classe di scienze politiche, Annie cerca di sostenere il confronto con la sua rivale Annie Kim. La situazione si complica quando Annie scopre che Annie Kim si e' appropriata di una sua idea. Nel frattempo Britta apprende che un suo amico, un attivista politico, e' stato imprigionato in Siria. Chang, invece, accetta un lavoro come guardia giurata all'interno del college.
Annie Kim challenges Annie in class when she answers a question with unbelievable intelligence and grace. Meanwhile, Britta learns that one of her friends is part of the Damascus Three, a trio of people trapped under a repressive regime in Syria. Hearing the news makes her wonder what she's doing with her life. Later, Chang gets pointers from Sgt. Nunez on how to be good at campus security. He learns quickly that it involves guarding a garbage can well. Annie introduces her new frenemy Annie Kim to the study group. It's clear they have a competitive streak. Annie Kim even steals Annie's Model UN idea. An enraged Britta can't be bothered with talk of Annie Kim. Britta would rather talk about the plight of the underclass. She looks desperately for something to protest. Looking for trouble, she kicks the trash can Chang is guarding. Jeff and Annie charge into class declaring to Professor Cligoris that the Model UN idea belonged to Annie - not Annie Kim. Annie Kim is unapologetic and insults Jeff, asking if he's Annie's father. Professor Cligoris declares that there will have to be a Model UN "battle royale" to settle this fight. "May the most united nations win," Cligoris declares. Jeff seeks out Annie who is clearly embarrassed by her meltdown. Jeff apologizes, claiming he instigated the war between the Annies. Jeff's pep talk is curiously intimate, and judging by the way Annie looks at Jeff, it's clear she's noticing it. They are about to kiss when suddenly they both agree that would be totally gross. Later, Annie apologizes to her friends for putting them through the Model UN chaos. Annie and the gang unify, impressing Professor Cligoris with their organization and strategy. They soundly defeat Annie Kim's Model UN. Then Britta charges in, screaming and causing chaos. Chang tasers her and carries her out of the auditorium. Problem solved.
Serie Televisiva: CommunityStagione: 3 - Episodio: 2
Titolo Italiano: Conflitti globali
Titolo Originale: Geography of Global Conflict
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 29 Settembre 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 29 Settembre 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 27 Marzo 2012 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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