2×22 – Antropologia applicata e arte culinaria – Community
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Antropologia applicata e arte culinaria (Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts) è l'episodio numero 22 della Stagione 2 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in 22, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 28 Aprile 2011 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 23 Agosto 2011 su Comedy Central.


Mentre gli studenti del gruppo di studio stanno facendo gli esami per il corso di antropologia, Shirley va in travaglio. Chang e' ansioso di conoscere la verita' sul bambino. Nel frattempo, Greendale ospita il Festival per i Cibi di tutto il Mondo nel parcheggio dell'istituto.

The study group takes their anthropology final, taught by Professor Duncan. Keeping with the trend of not learning anything the entire semester, the class' final consists of getting drunk. Right when Duncan toasts to the dean never finding out about their fake class, the Dean strolls in with a reporter by his side. The reporter is apparently from Dean Magazine, and the two are there to observe Duncan giving his final. Duncan is cornered; clearly he doesn't have a final prepared. He sneaks out by saying that he left the final in his office, leaving the students to fend for themselves. The dean tells the reporter that after observing the final they should check out the World Food Festival in the parking lot, which features lunch trucks with 18 different nationalities of food. Jeff, attempting to get the reporter out of the room, suggests they check it out now, but the reporter opts to stay and observe what he's sure will be an interesting exam. Jeff's scheming is interrupted by Shirley groaning in pain; Chang notes that it might be contractions. Shirley swigs back a liquid antacid and is reprimanded by Britta; she shouldn't be polluting her body with chemicals. Jeff stands up for Shirley, arguing that a woman who's on her third kid doesn't need a 30-year-old slacker with two one-eyed cats governing her body. The fight escalates, and in the stress of the situation, Shirley's water breaks. Britta rushes to Shirley's side, and appears to be trying too hard to be comforting. After a sufficient freak-out, the dean tells the class that he's going to get his Prius, bring it around back, and drive Shirley to the hospital. Britta calls Andre, Shirley's ex-husband and potential baby daddy, to tell him to meet them at the hospital. Chang declares that this has got to be a Chang baby; they're never born in hospitals. We learn that his nephew was born on a treadmill at Bally Total Fitness at 20% incline. Meanwhile, Pierce wants in on Troy and Abed's cool handshake, and offers them $1,000 for the rights to it. At the sight of $1,000 in cash, the two have no choice but to agree. When Troy and Abed are forced to do the handshake with Pierce they immediately regret their decision; Troy begins to cry as Pierce tells him, "Make your money, whore." When Troy and abed candidly do the handshake later, they find that their rhythm is off; Pierce ruined the handshake. They try to return the money, but Pierce tells them that it's too late; once you've sold something out you can't get it back. The dean returns to the classroom looking like he's been in a fight; apparently the World Food Festival has taken a dark turn, and a race "kerfuffle" has broken out. His Prius is overturned; they'll have to find another way to get Shirley to the hospital. Annie tries calling an ambulance, but is told that it's going to take over an hour because of the riot. Luckily, Abed has some knowledge of child birthing; apparently he delivered a baby earlier this year in the back of an SUV. He takes control of the situation, and tells Shirley that there's no time; they're going to have to deliver the baby in the classroom. When Shirley is uncomfortable having a man look at her lady parts, Britta steps in, determined to prove to herself and the group that she's a loyal friend. But apparently Britta isn't as comfortable with the female body as she claims; when she looks under Shirley's skirt and sees the baby coming, she vomits. Shirley is in full freak-out mode: the baby is coming and none of the girls have the stomach to deliver it. Surprisingly, Chang is able to provide some level of comfort with his stories about Chang babies being born in ridiculous scenarios. Jeff pleads with Britta; there's something in her that wants to take care of people so badly that she'll do it until she pukes, and that's what Shirley needs right now. Britta, inspired, mans up and takes control of the situation. Britta is ready to deliver the baby, and awaits Abed's instructions. But as Abed says, at this point, "the bus pretty much drives itself." At the last moment, Andre arrives with EMTs and a stretcher in tow, but Brita pushes them away, claiming that she's got this. Britta delivers the baby; it's a boy! And, as Andre points out, it's also a black person. Chang confirms that it's definitely not his; all Changs are born with tails. Shirley thanks Chang for his help; she couldn't have done it without him. She decides to name the baby Ben, after Chang; even if that means his name is Ben Bennett. At the coolness of the situation, Abed and Troy candidly do their handshake, and discover that it's back! Britta and Jeff go soft at the adorableness of little Ben Bennett, but quickly regain their composure. The reporter tells the dean that he'll definitely be getting a cover story, but unfortunately the magazine goes under after two issues and the article is never printed.


Serie Televisiva: Community
Stagione: 2 - Episodio: 22
Titolo Italiano: Antropologia applicata e arte culinaria
Titolo Originale: Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 28 Aprile 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 28 Aprile 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 23 Agosto 2011 su Comedy Central
Nazione: 22
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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