2×21 – I paradigmi della memoria umana – Community
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I paradigmi della memoria umana (Paradigms of Human Memory) è l'episodio numero 21 della Stagione 2 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 21 Aprile 2011 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 16 Agosto 2011 su Comedy Central.


L'anno scolastico sta per finire ed il gruppo di studio inizia a lavorare al progetto conclusivo di antropologia, iniziando a ricordare eventi del passato che vissuti insieme.

The study group puts the last touches on their diorama. When Troy's long-lost monkey Annie's Boobs emerges from the air vents and steals a paintbrush, Chang strips down and dives into the air vents after him. Chang uncovers a treasure trove of the groups' old knickknacks that Annie's Boobs has been collecting. The lost, forgotten items send the group on a trip down memory lane. Jeff and Britta bring up great memories, like that time a prospector in a ghost town almost shot them, and the time they filled in for glee club because the group died in a bus crash. The truth is, these weren't great memories; they were horrible ones. Troy points out that it's really been a terrible year. Pierce got hooked on pain killers, Shirley's having an unplanned baby, and apparently Chang is in the group now. Jeff is unusually light hearted; he tells Abed to scan his computer-like brain for some juicy memories. Abed goes deep into thought, and comes out of his trance with a revealing claim: Jeff and Britta are having secret sex. He lists a number of memories he has of eavesdropping on the two having sexually suggestive conversations. Abed even remembers walking in on the two in their underwear on St. Patrick's Day. Shirley claims that Abed's memories explain why this year has been so horrible; it's not God that hates them, it's Jeff and Britta. Jeff and Britta counter that they compartmentalized their libidos for the good of the group. Annie's enraged; if that's the case, then what has been going on between her and Jeff all year? What should Annie make of the long looks and stolen glances? But as it turns out, Annie's read into some things; after reviewing the facts, they realize that it was all in her head. The Dean interrupts in a gaudy outfit, and Jeff angrily asks him how many times he can drop in unannounced in full-fledged costume. A montage ensues of all the times the Dean has done so, from dressing up as Scarlet O'Hara to Tina Turner. His feelings hurt, the Dean runs out, and Shirley begs for the fighting to stop; it's not fair for innocent perverts to suffer on their behalf. Troy, however, doesn't want the fighting to stop. He believes that if they air out all this dirty laundry now, the fighting can stop forever. But that claim has been made in the past and clearly it didn't hold true. The group is toxic, Annie claims; they fight about fighting about fighting. Instead of storming off in a huff like they always do, Shirley leads the group in putting their differences aside and finishing the diorama. After completing the project, the group says their goodbyes, but their spirits are clearly broken. Jeff tries to save the mood by delivering one of his uplifting speeches: it's true that they're caught up in an endless cycle of screw-ups and hurt feelings, but he chooses to believe that it's just the universe's way of molding them into some kind of super group. Troy notes that since apparently they can get through anything, it's okay if Jeff and Britta want to keep hooking up. Of course, now that they don't need to keep sneaking around anymore, Jeff and Britta both completely lose interest. Chang finally returns from his air vent adventures only to find Annie's Boobs in the study room. Chang reflects with Annie's Boobs about the good times they had together.


Serie Televisiva: Community
Stagione: 2 - Episodio: 21
Titolo Italiano: I paradigmi della memoria umana
Titolo Originale: Paradigms of Human Memory
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 21 Aprile 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 21 Aprile 2011 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 16 Agosto 2011 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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