Dopo un incontro-scontro con un gruppo di ragazze snob, Abed si rivolge ad Annie, Britta e Shirley per riuscire a rispondere a tono al prossimo match. Nel frattempo, Jeff e Troy decidono di abbracciare la filosofia Zen.
Jeff and Troy play basketball. Abed tires to get into the game, but Jeff isn't finished kicking Troy's butt. In actuality, Troy is kicking Jeff's butt. Annie, Britta and Shirley look on from a near by table while discussing the women's studies class they'll start that afternoon. After Jeff accidently knocks over Britta's water bottle with the basketball, they all get up and head off to class. Before they can leave, Abed asks them what class they're taking. Since women's studies is a media class and Abed's able to audit them for free, he's going to tag along. Britta, Annie and Shirley try to talk him out of it, but can't. They were looking forward to doing something together without the boys. Pierce tries to be part of the guys' group by bringing a remote control helicopter toy he calls the "DraganFlyer" over to the basketball court. Annoyed with Pierce, Jeff and Troy continue playing basketball and Troy continues to dominate. Jeff gets frustrated and kicks the basketball over a nearby hedge, forcing Troy to search for it. Troy finds an opening in the hedge, then crawls through and discovers a tranquil secret garden with a trampoline. Annie, Shirley and Britta walk into their women's studies class. Abed saved three seats in the back of the classroom for them since he got there first. But the girls decide to take seats in the front of the classroom instead, leaving Abed at the back, alone. Once they're seated, Meghan and her two friends approach. Meghan tells the girls that she and her friends planned on sitting in those seats and now they expect Annie, Britta and Shirley to move. After a nasty exchange of words, the girls decide to move and sit with Abed in the back of the classroom. To the girls' surprise, Abed quickly insults Meghan and her friends. Annie, Shirley and Britta decide that having Abed along for the class might not be a bad thing after all. Back outside, Jeff goes in search of Troy when he doesn't return to the basketball court. After crawling through the hedge himself, he too finds the secret garden. He also finds Troy bouncing up and down on the trampoline. Joshua, the grounds keeper, welcomes Jeff and Troy to the secret garden. It's a place of peace and tranquility, a place that must remain secret because Greendale doesn't allow it. Joshua asks that Jeff and Troy take turns bouncing on the trampoline to keep it a secret. Back in the cafeteria, Annie, Shirley and Britta encourage Abed to use his insult skills on unsuspecting students. Abed gets up to confront Meghan and her friends directly. Britta tries to pull Abed away from Meghan, until Meghan insults Britta. Then, Britta encourages Abed to continue with the insults. Jeff and Troy arrive at the study room to find Pierce in workout clothes. Pierce wants to join the boys on the court, but Jeff and Troy aren't interested. They're both seriously mellow and calm after their trampoline bouncing, which freaks everyone out. Pierce is tired of Jeff and Troy's calm demeanor and wants to know what's going on. Jeff and Troy leave the study group to get in a quick bounce on the trampoline before lunch. Pierce decides to follow them with his remote control helicopter. After spying on Jeff and Troy with his DraganFlyer, Pierce turns to Leonard for help. He needs to download the images from the helicopter to know what Jeff and Troy have been up to. Back in the cafeteria, Annie, Britta, Shirley and Abed walk in with their heads held high. When Britta insults a group of girls for no reason, Abed dresses down his friends, making it clear that they've turned into Meghan and her friends. Now they're the bitches of Greendale. Jeff and Troy lay quietly on the trampoline, finding their centers when Pierce barges into the secret garden. When Pierce discovers the trampoline, he threatens to tell everyone about the secret garden unless Troy or Jeff gets onto the trampoline to doublebounce him. When they do, Pierce goes flying over the hedge and falls on the ground, breaking both his legs. Meanwhile, Abed approaches Meghan in the library seeking help. He wants to restore the natural order at Greendale and let her reign as the top mean girl. They devise a plan. After Pierce's fall, Greendale administration finds out about the trampoline and the secret garden. When Jeff and Troy apologize to Joshua for what happened, they discover that Joshua is actually racist. Thinking back on Joshua's comments about the secret garden, Jeff and Troy piece it altogether. Joshua got what he deserved. Abed sits at a table in the cafeteria waiting for Meghan. Just as planned, Meghan and her friends walk into the cafeteria and insult him over and over again. Britta, Annie and Shirley watch as Meghan puts Abed in his place. Then, Abed apologizes to Annie, Britta and Shirley for being mean to them, and in return, the girls apologize to Abed. Order is officially restored.
Serie Televisiva: CommunityStagione: 2 - Episodio: 7
Titolo Italiano: L'aerodinamica del genere
Titolo Originale: Aerodynamics of Gender
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 4 Novembre 2010 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 4 Novembre 2010 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 17 Maggio 2011 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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