1×22 – L’arte del discorso – Community
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L'arte del discorso (The Art of Discourse) è l'episodio numero 22 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 29 Aprile 2010 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 22 Giugno 2010 su Comedy Central.


Pierce oltrepassa il segno con Shirley e il gruppo si divide a meta', ciascuno prendendo le parti di uno dei due. Intanto Jeff e Shirley si occupano di alcuni bulli e della loro mamma.

Britta and Jeff are confronted by three high school teens in the GCC cafeteria. The teens ask Jeff and Britta what they did in their life to end up at GCC; they want to avoid making those same mistakes. Britta is offended, while Jeff tries to let it roll off his back. Pierce is playing a guitar in the study group room when Abed approaches, takes his guitar and smashes it on the table. Jeff appreciates the Animal House reference. Abed says smashing a guitar is an item on his Quintessential College Experience List, which he complied based on what movies have taught him. Troy offers to help Abed finish checking things off his list since the end of the school year is fast approaching. Abed gladly accepts Troy's help and immediately "pants" him. Troy, shocked, in turn pants Abed. Abed expected that and can now check two more items off his list. Pierce, not getting the inappropriate nature of the joke, pants Shirley when she walks into the study room. The group, especially Shirley, is horrified by this. When Pierce refuses to apologize, Shirley threatens to leave the group if Pierce isn't kicked out. The teens from the cafeteria run into Pierce, Britta and Jeff into the library and proceed with the taunting. After continually being called Schmitty by the teens, Pierce makes a point of telling Britta and Jeff that it means "loser." After siding with Shirley, the group kicks Pierce out. When Jeff and Britta say hello to Pierce the following day, he ignores them. Jeff and Britta are sitting in the quad, on the lookout for the teens. Britta spots them in the parking lot getting dropped off by one of their moms. A hot, divorced, fit mom. They have now found their angle to get back at the teens. When Jeff and Britta attempt to get back at the teens with smart remarks about their hot mom, all they get is the response, "Duh." Jeff and Britta walk away more annoyed than before. Everyone assembles in the study group room, without Pierce. They quickly start turning on each other. Abed makes the astute observation that without Pierce, one of them will eventually take on his role as the scapegoat. Jeff makes a suggestion to the group, without Shirley there, that they need Pierce back. They devise a plan to get Pierce to apologize to Shirley. Pierce apologizes - to another black woman sitting near Shirley - which angers her more. She marches up to the group and quits. Britta devises a plan for Jeff to hit on and then sleep with the hot mom as a way to get back at their teenage tormenters. Jeff throws on some workout clothes and approaches her in the parking lot. Shirley and Pierce, both no longer with the study group, end up sitting in adjacent cubes in the library. While there, they actually find common ground and repair their friendship. Jeff is sitting with the hot mom in the cafeteria, biting her shoulder and rubbing all over her, when the teens walk in to and see them, just as planned. Mark, son of the hot mom, calls Jeff out on his plan and says he's pathetic. When hot moms turns on him too, Jeff and Britta are forced into a "duh" contest in the middle of the cafeteria. Seeing that Britta and Jeff are in need of help, Shirley and Pierce come to the rescue and pants the teens. Jeff and Britta have won the "duh" contest! Just when everyone's thinking the teens have moved on, a food fight breaks out in the cafeteria. Everyone participates.


Serie Televisiva: Community
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 22
Titolo Italiano: L'arte del discorso
Titolo Originale: The Art of Discourse
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 29 Aprile 2010 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 29 Aprile 2010 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 22 Giugno 2010 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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