1×20 – La scienza dell’illusione – Community
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La scienza dell'illusione (The science of Illusion) è l'episodio numero 20 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 25 Marzo 2010 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 15 Giugno 2010 su Comedy Central.


Britta cerca di porre rimedio a uno scherzo finito male, Shirley e Annie diventano le nuove guardie di sicurezza del campus. Intanto Pierce fa di tutto per raggiungere un livello piu' alto nella sua Chiesa Buddista.

Dean Pelton makes a school-wide announcement regarding April Fool's Day. He encourages the students to pick up the College Pranks pamphlet if they have any questions about what is appropriate on school property. Annie reads in the prank pamphlet that the Dean is looking for student volunteers to be campus security for the 48 hours around April Fool's Day. She and Shirley agree to volunteer together, becoming a buddy cop duo. When Pierce arrives for study group he announces that his Buddhist church is making him a Level 6 Laser Lotus. Jeff decides it is a perfect opportunity to prank Pierce. He tells Pierce that a guy was just in the library delivering a ceremonial robe for Laser Lotus, but no one knew what that meant so he left. While Pierce tries to find the delivery person, Jeff has Abed run to the drama department and bring back something for Pierce to wear. When the group tells Britta that she is always a buzz kill, she decides it's time to show them they are wrong. She describes an idea to Jeff for her April Fool's Day prank. Jeff is completely underwhelmed by the idea. Jeff finds Pierce with Troy in the cafeteria. Jeff gives Pierce another box, saying it's from the same guy that delivered his robe. When Pierce opens the box he finds a wand. Jeff tells him the guy said the wand will help focus his powers. Britta sneaks into the lab late at night to get a frog for her April Fool's Day prank. When she finally gets one and puts the Sr. Chang sombrero on it, the frog leaps away. When she tries to catch it, Britta accidentally runs into a cadaver on gurney--pushing it to the window where it then falls and lands outside. People are overheard screaming from below as they see the dead body land. The next day, the Dean is with the police in the school quad as they cover up the cadaver from the lab when Annie and Shirley, as campus security, pull up in their golf cart wearing security jackets, hats and a whistle. Trying to prove which one of them is the more "bad ass" cop, they play tough with the local police and agree to take over the cadaver case. Dean Pelton addresses Senor Chang's Spanish class. After Annie and Shirley discovered the dead frog and the mini sombrero in the lab, the Dean assumes the prankster is in the class. He has now officially banished April Fool's Day from Greendale forever, making April 1st officially March 32nd. Jeff approaches Britta after class about the prank. Britta refuses to confess to the crime, fearing it will play into the group's idea that she is a total buzz kill. But, as Jeff points out, she mastered the ultimate buzz kill by getting April Fool's Day cancelled for everyone. Shirley and Annie are on a stakeout in their golf cart looking for clues or suspects. Abed is sitting in the back watching the real-life buddy cop drama play out. Annie's phone rings. She picks it up. A mysterious caller tells them the man they are looking for is Jeff Winger. Shirley and Annie find search Jeff. They find a collection a little sombreros stuffed in his bag. Britta has framed him. When Jeff takes off running, Annie chases him on foot while Shirley and Abed try to catch him in the golf cart. After both lose him, Annie and Shirley get into an argument in front of several students. Dean Pelton meets with Annie and Shirley after the unsuccessful chase. When he doesn't get through to them, Abed steps in and plays the role of the chief cop. He shows them what a real bad ass would do. Annie and Shirley approach Jeff at study group to get a confession. But, Jeff breaks the news that it was Britta all along. When Annie and Shirley pull out the torture equipment on Jeff to get the real answer, Britta finally confesses to the crime. Once Britta confesses, everyone else in the group starts confessing, too. Troy tells Pierce about his wand. Annie tells Shirley she wants to be more like her. Shirley tells Annie she wants to be more like her.


Serie Televisiva: Community
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 20
Titolo Italiano: La scienza dell'illusione
Titolo Originale: The science of Illusion
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 25 Marzo 2010 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 25 Marzo 2010 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 15 Giugno 2010 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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