Una donna viene assassinata in un circo. All'ombra del tendone e' in atto da tempo una faida fra due famiglie. Gordon cerca tra costoro l'autore dell'omicidio. Un giorno, pero', si presenta un vecchio cieco, un indovino, che afferma di aver ricevuto un messaggio della vittima dall'aldila'. Lo scetticismo di Gordon si scontra subito con la curiosita' della dottoressa Thompkins. Insieme trovano l'arma del delitto: un'accetta con una scritta, che rimanda a una setta satanica. Ma dietro il mistero esoterico si nasconde la cruda verita'.
Barbara Kean returns to Gotham to discover Ivy Pepper and Selina Kyle in her apartment. Elsewhere, Fish Mooney plans to save herself and the other prisoners when they discover that they were kidnapped so that their organs can be harvested. When a snake dancer at Haly's Circus named Lila Valeska is murdered, James Gordon and Leslie Tompkins investigate as the Flying Graysons and the Lloyds are suspects. An old psychic named Paul Cicero approaches Gordon, claiming to have received a message from the dead dancer. James is skeptical and thinks the psychic is covering up for the killer. Upon deducing that her son Jerome (Cameron Monaghan), is the killer and Cicero is his father, Jerome has a psychotic breakdown and confesses to the murder claiming to have hated her for being an "insistent nagging whore." When customers begin to steadily decrease at Oswald Cobblepot's newly obtained club, Zsasz gives Cobblepot a tortured and completely reformed Butch Gilzean who he says is knowledgeable when it comes to maintaining clubs and has been "working on him" for days. Taking advice from Selina and Ivy, Barbara attempts to re-unite with James but is enraged when she sees him kissing Leslie, though neither of them notice her. Bruce holds a board meeting at Wayne Enterprises and voices concern to the executives that the company is involved with the mob. John Grayson and Mary Lloyd get engaged after the dispute between the two families are resolved. Mooney tells the lead captor at the prison named Thomas Schmidt (Elliot Villar) that she would like to meet with his boss.
Serie Televisiva: GothamStagione: 1 - Episodio: 16
Titolo Italiano: L'indovino Cieco
Titolo Originale: The Blind Fortune Teller
Prima Visione Assoluta: lunedì 16 Febbraio 2015 su Fox
Prima Visione USA: lunedì 16 Febbraio 2015 su Fox
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 16 Marzo 2015 su Premium Action
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico, Thriller
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Cast e personaggi
Cast non disponibile per l'episodio 16 della 1a stagione della serie Gotham
Cast e Ruoli principali della serie Gotham:
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