Jeff e Britta si immischiano nella vita amorosa di Annie, quando quest'ultima comincia a uscire con Vaughn, ex di Britta. Pierce si sente messo da parte dai progetti di Troy e Abed, che stanno organizzando una serata a base di film.
Jeff and Britta walk across campus to find Annie talking to Britta's ex-boyfriend Vaughn. They are clearly flirting as Vaughn sings Annie a song on his guitar. Troy checks with Abed at the start of Spanish group to see if they are still on for another movie night in his dorm room. Abed tells Pierce and Shirley that they watch bad movies on purpose to make fun of them; next up is "Kickpuncher." When Shirley shows an interest, Abed extends an invite for her to join. Pierce then invites himself. Annie waits for Britta outside the study room. When she gets there, Annie pulls her aside. Annie asks Britta's permission to date Vaughn. Britta gives her blessing; as uncomfortable as she might be with the idea, she wants to play it cool for Annie. Britta joins Jeff in the cafeteria to share the news that Annie has asked her permission to date Vaughn. Jeff is automatically concerned about Annie and reminds Britta that the two of them have a responsibility to guide Annie in the proper direction as her "Greendale parents." Abed, Troy, Shirley, Pierce and Senor Chang are in Abed's dorm room watching "Kickpuncher." While everyone else finds natural places to tell funny jokes based on the movie, Pierce feels out of place. He tries to fit in by telling his jokes, but no one seems to laugh -- making this just another awkward Pierce moment. When the movie finishes, Abed lets everyone know that they are getting together the next day to watch "Kickpuncher 2." Pierce warns them that he was just warming up and to be prepared for him to bring his "A" game tomorrow night. Annie and Vaughn are hanging out on the grass as Jeff and Britta walk by. Jeff tries to convince Britta that they have a responsibility to intervene in Annie's love life. Jeff proposes that they come up with a plan to break up Annie and Vaughn. Jeff and Britta head to study group and stare through the glass walls at Troy, Annie's long-time crush. They realize that Troy is the key to their master plan. Britta knows that if Troy were to become a true option for Annie, she would drop Vaughn so quick, his tiny nipples might disappear. Britta and Jeff try to convince Troy that Annie is hot! Jeff breaks down all the details for Troy in a one-on-one guy-only conversation. Afterwards, Troy still has doubts in his mind, but Britta tells him that Annie is only hooking up with Vaughn to make him jealous since she has always been hopelessly in love with him. Pierce meets with the on-campus sketch comedy troupe that he has recruited to write his jokes for movie night in Abed's dorm room. Troy approaches Annie in the cafeteria and hits on her. After an awkward exchange, Vaughn approaches with ice cream for Annie, only to see Troy with his arm wrapped around her. Troy breaks the news to Vaughn that Annie has liked him since high school. After Vaughn breaks up with Annie and and walks away, Troy tells Annie that Britta and Jeff were the ones who opened his eyes to her true feelings and her beauty.
Serie Televisiva: CommunityStagione: 1 - Episodio: 15
Titolo Italiano: Espressionismo romantico
Titolo Originale: Romantic Expressionism
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 4 Febbraio 2010 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 4 Febbraio 2010 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 1 Giugno 2010 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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