1×13 – La Fuga – Allegiance
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La Fuga (Family Crisis) è l'episodio numero 13 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva Allegiance.
Girato in USA, dura circa 45 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 30 Aprile 2015 su VOD. Prima vsione in Italia lunedì 30 Novembre 2015 su Premium Action.


Alex, Mark e Katya, mettendo a rischio la vita, riescono a fermare Black Dagger, un finto incidente in un gasdotto che avrebbe comportato decine di migliaia di perdite umane e il crollo del mercato energetico americano. Nel frattempo Victor tenta il tutto per tutto.

In Williamstown, Pennsylvania, Doug Peters opens his hotel room door to find himself facing the barrel of Oscar Christoph's gun. Christoph steps over the lifeless body of the federal inspector and removes his ID badge from his shirt. Meanwhile, Mark, Katya and Alex race to the Standard Gas Williamstown Processing Plant, hoping to beat Christoph to the Black Dagger location. En route, Alex figures out Christoph's master plan to make the plant explosion look like an accident, creating what appears to be a natural disaster so massive, the American public would turn against natural gas as an energy source. The American energy boom would collapse overnight, restoring Russia as the premiere energy provider. The O'Connors arrive at the facility and smash their truck through its gates while Christoph, posing as federal inspector Doug Peters, nonchalantly shoots his way through the plant to the control room. The family gets separated, but Alex follows the trail of dead bodies to the control room, where he and Christoph get into a shootout. Alex hits Christoph in the shoulder, but he manages to escape. Now Alex has to figure out how to undo Christoph's handiwork. To make matters worse, Katya and Mark get stuck behind a blast door and can't reach Alex, so Mark tries to walk him through it over the phone. But it turns out the only way to stop the bomb is for Mark and Katya to blow up the compressor, the blast from which would kill them, but stop the bomb. Right outside the door to the compressor, Mark tricks Katya and locks himself in the room, sacrificing himself and saving her life. He then blows up the compressor. With the door now open, Katya races in, crying out for Mark. He's buried under a pile of rubble, but he's alive. And they did it! They stopped Black Dagger! Mark and Katya head to the rendezvous point, but Alex has one last stop. He drives to a veterinary office in the nearby town of Easton, where he finds two veterinarians tending to Christoph's gunshot wound. He knew Christoph wouldn't risk going to a hospital, and this is the closest place with medical supplies outside the blast radius. Alex tells Christoph he's turning him in, but Christoph has other plans. He holds the detonator to a bomb sitting in his car that could blow up a five-block radius. Either Christoph walks out alone, or nobody does. So Alex is forced to let him walk out the door. Meanwhile, the Rezident calls Victor and informs him the FBI agents guarding the O'Connor house have been killed, and Sarah and Natalie will die when he gives the order. That is, unless Victor turns himself in. Victor immediately calls Natalie and gives her an update. He's going to give himself up for her, but Natalie begs him not to and offers an alternate plan: the Rezident will expect Victor to save Natalie, but he won't expect him to hit him at the Rezidentura. In the meantime, Natalie and Sarah scour the house for the SVR's bugs and quickly find one in the kitchen. They pretend to make their mom's famous cinnamon bread while actually creating a makeshift bomb. Natalie then receives a fake phone call from Victor telling them about the SVR men after them and promising he's on his way with the FBI. They loudly announce they're going to hide in Katya's closet, prompting the Rezident to instruct his agents to take the girls out. The operatives enter the house and head straight for the closet, blowing themselves up in the process. At the Rezidentura, Victor shoots his way into the compound, and deftly fires a bullet into the Rezident's skull. He then finds himself in a Mexican standoff with the Rezident's two remaining guards and has to convince them to serve him instead of killing him. "I am the new Rezident," he announces. When the dust settles, the family meets at the rally point: the Brooklyn waterfront. Katya and Mark discuss turning themselves in, but Alex tells them to take Sarah and run, which is shocking, considering a month earlier he wanted to turn his parents in. Sam, who apparently survived the deadly workshop explosion, called Alex and said he'd vouch for him, as he never did anything to intentionally help the Russians. But Katya and Mark did. If they turn themselves in, however, they won't be safe in jail - Moscow will get to them. While his family goes off the grid, Alex will go back to work at the CIA. In fact, he already has his first assignment: recruiting a high-level SVR officer... Victor.


Serie Televisiva: Allegiance
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 13
Titolo Italiano: La Fuga
Titolo Originale: Family Crisis
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 30 Aprile 2015 su VOD
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 30 Aprile 2015 su VOD
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 30 Novembre 2015 su Premium Action
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Drammatico, Thriller

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