Al manicomio di Arkham qualcuno si diverte a sottoporre gli internati a terribili elettroshock, che devastano completamente il loro cervello. Gordon fa intervenire la polizia (nella persona di Bullock) nonostante l'opposizione del direttore Lang. Gordon scopre che l'infermiera Duncan altri non e' che una pluriomicida internata da decenni. il caso sembra risolto, ma il vero autore e' Gruber, un internato che attraverso quegli esperimenti e' riuscito alla fine a controllare la mente di un altro paziente, Helzinger, e a farlo diventare la sua mano omicida. Sul versante mafia, Gilzean uccide il suo vecchio amico d'infanzia Saviano, ostacolo ai piani di ascesa di Fish Mooney.
James Gordon, reassigned to guard duty at Arkham Asylum, investigates attacks on prisoners with the help of Dr. Leslie Thompkins (Morena Baccarin). Selina Kyle finds a sick Ivy Pepper and takes her to Gordon's penthouse to recuperate. Meanwhile, Mooney discusses her plan to overthrow Don Falcone with Falcone family underboss Jimmy Saviano who was angered by Falcone's tribute raise. However, Saviano disagrees with Mooney's plan to become the de facto head of the family as he is next in the line of succession. Gordon asks Harvey Bullock for help with his investigation and Bullock interrogates Arkham's Director Dr. Gerry Lang (Isiah Whitlock, Jr.). Oswald Cobblepot and an unnamed accomplice are arrested by the police for trying to buy the loyalty of some dock workers on Sal Maroni's payroll. Montoya realizes she is "toxic" to Barbara's health and breaks off their relationship. Gordon discovers that Nurse Dorothy Duncan (Allyce Beasley) is actually an inmate. Duncan releases the inmates from their cells, but is trampled to death during the chaos. Gordon, Bullock, and Essen discover that the culprit was Jack Gruber (Christopher Heyerdahl), who escapes from Arkham with his associate Aaron Helzinger (Kevin McCormick), after killing two guards and Dr. Lang. Cobblepot is eventually bailed out by Maroni who initiated the arrest to teach Cobblepot a lesson about hubris. Mooney sends Butch Gilzean to "negotiate" with Saviano several times. Saviano tries to get Gilzean to join his crew during a meeting at the waterfront in Saviano's Cadillac but Gilzean is loyal to Mooney and shoots Saviano dead in the car.
Serie Televisiva: GothamStagione: 1 - Episodio: 11
Titolo Italiano: Rogue's Gallery
Titolo Originale: Rogue's Gallery
Prima Visione Assoluta: lunedì 5 Gennaio 2015 su Fox
Prima Visione USA: lunedì 5 Gennaio 2015 su Fox
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 9 Febbraio 2015 su Premium Action
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico, Thriller
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Cast non disponibile per l'episodio 11 della 1a stagione della serie Gotham
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