Una visita inaspettata convince Dick a tornare a Gotham City, dove si dice che il più celebre vigilante della città non abbia più i nervi a posto.
Five years in the future, Dick is living happily with Dawn and their son John, with another baby on the way. Rachel and Gar are at college. A paraplegic Jason asks Dick to stop Bruce, who is intent on killing the Joker. Dick travels to Gotham and is reunited with Kory, who has joined the FBI. Batman kills the Joker in cold blood, as well as every patient and staff member at Arkham Asylum. Dick feels compelled to reveal Batman's secret identity to the police so they can apprehend him. A SWAT team raids Wayne Manor, but Batman slaughters them and kills Kory. Dick demolishes the mansion with explosives, and when he finds Batman alive but trapped in the rubble, Dick kills him. In the present, Rachel is horrified to see Dick enslaved by Trigon's power, and the dark future and Dick's murder of Batman is revealed to have been a fantasy created by Trigon to lead Dick to embrace darkness. Later, somewhere in Metropolis, a man designated as "Experiment 13"—and bearing a Superman logo tattoo—escapes containment in a laboratory. He also frees a Labrador Retriever, whose eyes glow red.
Serie Televisiva: TitansStagione: 1 - Episodio: 11
Titolo Italiano: Dick Grayson
Titolo Originale: Dick Grayson
Prima Visione Assoluta: venerdì 21 Dicembre 2018 su DC Universe
Prima Visione USA: venerdì 21 Dicembre 2018 su DC Universe
Prima Visione Italia: venerdì 11 Gennaio 2019 su Netflix
Nazione: USA
Durata: 43 minuti
Genere: Azione, Avventura, Fantasy
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