Un gruppo di killer professionisti penetra nella villa di Bruce per uccidere Selina Kyle, testimone dell'assassinio dei Wayne; l'assistente procuratore Dent ha volutamente lasciato trapelare il nome nel tentativo di intimorire Lovecraft e costringerlo a un passo falso, ritenendolo (sbagliando) il mandante dell'omicidio, con l'unico risultato di mettere in pericolo la vita dei due ragazzi. Per Selina l'unico rifugio sono le strade di Gotham, tra le cui ombre si muove a proprio agio. Alfred partecipa con Harvey alle ricerche rivelandosi risolutivo mentre Gordon arresta Lovecraft per poi accorgersi di avere a che fare con una misera pedina in un gioco enormemente piu' grande; troppo tardi pero', perche' Lovecraft viene ucciso dagli stessi sicari che sono a caccia di Selina. La ragazza e Bruce, intanto, cadono vittima di un ricettatore che li vuole consegnare ai killer. Selina riesce a fuggire.
Assassins infiltrate Wayne Manor, but Alfred fends them off, allowing Bruce and Selina to escape. Alfred tells Gordon and Bullock about the incident and then goes with Bullock to help find Bruce and Selina. Meanwhile, Falcone meets with Cobblepot to ask how Maroni knew where his money was, as he believes it was them who stole it from the Armory. Cobblepot states that Maroni didn't commit the armory robbery, as there is a mole working for someone else, possibly for Fish Mooney. Dent suspects Dick Lovecraft hired the assassins. At a mob dinner with various gangsters and mafiosi, Falcone kills his operative Bannion for failing to guard the armory and states that they must increase their tributes to him to recover from the attack on the armory, angering two of his caporegimes. Bullock and Alfred interrogate Macky who admits knowing someone who knows Selina's fence. Selina tells Bruce that the assassins were after her and not him. She leads him to an underground area used as a mall for street kids. They are visited by Ivy Pepper, who escaped from juvie to avoid being adopted following her mother's suicide. She tells Selina that her fence Clyde is operating in the Narrows. Gordon finds Lovecraft, who claims those after Selina are also after him. He gives Gordon some files about the Wayne Enterprise stocks and the two are attacked by the same assassins. Gordon is knocked unconscious and awakes to Bullock calling him to say Fish Mooney has given them information. Gordon then finds Lovecraft dead. Bruce and Selina visit Clyde, only to be grabbed by his associates. The assassins arrive to claim Selina, but she knocks one out, just as Bullock and Alfred arrive. Copperhead (one of the assassins) stalks Bruce, demanding to know where Selina is. Alfred makes his way to Bruce, and the assassin escapes. Clyde and those involved are arrested. Following Lovecraft's "suicide", Mayor James reassigns Gordon to Arkham Asylum after scolding him and Dent for pressuring Lovecraft. Selina checks in on Bruce at home and kisses him.
Serie Televisiva: GothamStagione: 1 - Episodio: 10
Titolo Italiano: LoveCraft
Titolo Originale: LoveCraft
Prima Visione Assoluta: lunedì 24 Novembre 2014 su Fox
Prima Visione USA: lunedì 24 Novembre 2014 su Fox
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 8 Dicembre 2014 su Premium Action
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Crimine, Drammatico, Thriller
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Cast e personaggi
Cast e Ruoli principali della serie Gotham: