Durante l'ennesimo tentativo di prendere Bo, Zepeda colpisce la bambina con una freccia impregnata di sedativo. Da quel momento la salute della piccola peggiora di minuto in minuto. Winter e Channing sono costretti a cercare asilo alla fattoria di Sarah e Karl. I due sono stati i genitori adottivi di Bo fino a quattro mesi prima, quando una persona incappucciata (si scoprira' che era Channing che all'epoca lavorava ancora per Skouras) li aveva aggrediti e aveva portato via la bambina.Bo ha la febbre altissima, e' incosciente. Winter decide di chiedere aiuto a Zoe. La cura che Zoe porta a Winter (un'apparecchiatura sperimentale che dovrebbe riportare Bo in "superficie" e salvarla) sembra non fare effetto. Tate decide di liberare Zepeda (che e' stato catturato) per fare in modo che porti Bo a Orchestra, dove Zoe sostiene ci siano maggiori possibilita' di salvarla. Un errore madornale, naturalmente, e scongiurato per un pelo.
Tate, Bo, Winter and Channing are en route to their next safe house when Skouras' henchman, Zepeda, accosted them and shoots Bo with a tranquilizer dart. Although Winter and the team make a daring escape and capture Zepeda, the tranquilizer quickly takes effect, rendering Bo unconscious and endangering her life. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Winter takes a hint from Bo's drawings and heads to the McKenzie farm, where Bo once stayed for several months. Karl and Sarah McKenzie aren't thrilled to see Winter and Bo, since the last time they were together, the couple was almost killed by an Orchestra hit man. Nonetheless, they offer to help. Bo recovers in her old bedroom, rambling incoherently about a monster in the chimney. During a hallucination, Bo revisits the vivid memories of her arrival at the McKenzies' ranch. Something sinister lurks in the shadows of her memories, but she can't comprehend the threat. In her mind, Bo witnesses the night that Skouras' agent compromised the safe house and attacked the McKenzies. She realizes that Channing was the Orchestra hit man who injured Karl and nearly killed Sarah. Meanwhile, Tate feels guilty about failing to protect Bo, but Winter assures him that he's not to blame. This is their life now: struggling to see every possibility around every corner in order to keep Bo safe. Furthermore, Winter lets Tate in on a secret: Bo is slowly "degrading." The more she utilizes her powers, the weaker she becomes. Channing encourages Winter to call Skouras' head of research, Zoe, to solicit her help in keeping Bo alive. It's a risky move, but it might be their only hope of saving Bo. Zoe reluctantly agrees to help, but she'll have to be extremely careful. Skouras has eyes and ears everywhere. During a secret rendezvous, Zoe suggests that Bo's coma may be a manifestation of her powers. She may be holding herself in a coma. Winter believes that the tranquilizer dart may have contained a degrade formula intended to neutralize Bo's powers. Zoe urges Winter to bring Bo to the Orchestra facility, but he can't risk her safety. Zoe gives Winter a solution that might work as an antidote for the degrade formula, but she can't be sure. Back at the ranch, Winter injects Bo with Zoe's solution, but the results don't seem to be manifesting. Tate has no other choice. He releases Zepeda in hopes that the henchman will take Bo back to the Orchestra Facility so that she can get the treatment she needs. The plan backfires, and Zepeda makes a break for it after unsuccessfully kidnapping Bo. Miraculously, Bo awakens from her coma with the realization that Tate is her father. By the next day she feels fantastic and the team leaves the ranch, headed for yet another safe house.
Serie Televisiva: BelieveStagione: 1 - Episodio: 7
Titolo Italiano: Un motivo per tornare
Titolo Originale: Bang and Blame
Prima Visione Assoluta: domenica 20 Aprile 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: domenica 20 Aprile 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: mercoledì 24 Dicembre 2014 su Premium Action
Nazione: USA
Durata: 45 minuti
Genere: Drammatico, Fantasy
Cast e personaggi
Cast e Ruoli principali della serie Believe: