![1×07 – La posizione – Undateable 1×07 – La posizione – Undateable](https://www.movietele.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/53167-89a-250x375.jpg)
Justin parla a Danny della sua intimita' con Nicki. Il playboy insegna a Justin una posizione sessuale da usare con Nicki, ma ci tiene a rivendicarne la paternita', e questo crea tensione fra i due coinquilini.
After leaving to take care of her mom, Nicki returns to Detroit and immediately leaps into Justin's arms; they're both eager to make up for lost time. The next morning an exhausted Justin reveals to the gang at Black Eye's that Nicki initiated some pretty crazy (and terrifying) things in bed - should he worry about where she learned her moves? They assure Justin not to worry and Danny even offers to teach him his super secret, signature move guaranteed to raise his game. Justin contends he can hold his own... until later that night when he bursts out of his room and begs Danny for the move. After demanding an apology (in Italian, the move's native tongue), Danny provides him with a complicated diagram and Justin returns to the bedroom with confidence. Meanwhile, Shelly, Burski, Brett and Danny discuss Leslie's delicate hormonal state and her susceptibility to crying. When Burski boasts that his last cry occurred at the age of five, Shelly makes it his mission to force Burski into tears. After a litany of failed attempts, Shelly instructs Danny to tell Burski that he's "not the most awful person in the world that ever lived." Humbled by Danny's mild compliment, Burski tears up and Shelly celebrates. As Danny predicted, the move totally impresses Nicki and she brags about Justin's sexual prowess at the bar - annoying Danny who believes he should receive credit for Justin's success. This spurs Justin to ask Danny to promise not to tell anyone about the move. Danny remains unhappy about staying silent, but agrees. Their deal puts Justin at ease... until an excited Nicki refers to the move as "the Danny." Infuriated, Justin confronts Danny who admits breaking the promise, once again placing his ego above their friendship. It takes some spirited advice from Leslie to help Danny realize that his actions made Justin feel insecure. Danny reaches out to Justin and apologizes, stressing how Justin and Nicki deserve each other and that qualities like sensitivity and emotion make Justin attractive to women; he should be confident. Justin appreciates his friend's honesty and all his insecurities wash away, leaving him and Nicki back where they started - in love.
Serie Televisiva: UndateableStagione: 1 - Episodio: 7
Titolo Italiano: La posizione
Titolo Originale: The Move
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 19 Giugno 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 19 Giugno 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 16 Dicembre 2014 su Joi
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
Cast e personaggi
Cast non disponibile per l'episodio 7 della 1a stagione della serie Undateable
Cast e Ruoli principali della serie Undateable:
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