Il Signor Chang mette in guardia i suoi studenti avvertendoli che boccera' l'intera classe se lo studente che ha copiato durante l'esame non confessa. Ritiene, infatti, che chi e' responsabile di un'azione cosi' immatura se ne assuma ogni responsabilita'. Jeff decide di prendere le difese di chi si fara' fa avanti. Intanto Annie e Pierce provano a comporre una nuova canzone per la scuola.
Dean Pelton announces to the student body that a dedication for the Luis Guzman statue will be held in the quad along with the reveal of a new school song at the end of the week. Senor Chang confronts the class about finding a crib sheet from the Spanish test the day before. He threatens to give everyone a zero on the quiz unless the cheater comes forward in the next 24 hours. At study group, Annie talks about her stress from sitting on the song committee and how she can't worry about a Spanish quiz on top of it all. Pierce tells her not to worry, as he is an accomplished jingle writer and he will come to her rescue. The next day, Annie delivers the good news to Pierce that the dean has approved him to write the new school song, but they need it by Friday. The next day in Spanish class, Senor Chang gives the cheater one more chance to come forward. At the last second, Britta stands up and admits she cheated. After class, Jeff is approaching Britta in the student union when Dean Pelton tells her that she will be going to the judicial committee tomorrow regarding the cheating incident. Seeing an opportunity to come to her rescue, Jeff steps up to be her counsel at the hearing. The judicial board is called to order with Jeff representing Britta. Senor Chang, Dean Pelton and Professor Duncan all sit at the judges' table, which is located at the campus pool. Senor Chang addresses the judicial board first. Annie checks in with Pierce on the school song. Pierce seems to be struggling a little, which concerns Annie, but Pierce assures her his genius is at work. Jeff calls Britta to the stand to defend herself against Senor Chang. Although momentarily distracted by the pool-goers, Jeff continues on his quest to have the case against Britta thrown out. Just as Dean Pelton dismisses the case after learning that Senor Chang threatened to fail to the whole class, Britta admits to cheating, bringing the judicial board back in session. During a break in the proceedings, Duncan and Chang take their conversation to the showers. While the boys chat in the shower, Britta and Jeff have a strategy conversation in the locker room. Then it comes to Jeff: he has their defense -- Britta is insane. Jeff defends Britta with an insanity plea. Jeff manages to talk Duncan, Pelton and Chang into agreeing that the best punishment is to keep her in school, and Duncan subjects her to sessions with a trained psychologist -- him -- once a week. Pierce, still in the piano room surrounded by crumbled paper and food boxes, finally breaks. Annie realizes that she needs to build him up and toughen him up a little. Back to work he goes. Dean Pelton unveils the new Luis Guzman statue in the quad. After the unveiling he introduces Pierce, who sings the new Greendale school song. Pierce has written the new school song to the tune of a famous Bruce Hornsby song. While everyone seems to realize this, including Annie, they let him have his moment.
Serie Televisiva: CommunityStagione: 1 - Episodio: 5
Titolo Italiano: Il processo di Britta
Titolo Originale: Advanced Criminal Law
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 15 Ottobre 2009 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 15 Ottobre 2009 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 27 Aprile 2010 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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