Questa è Halloween! Cantavano i personaggi del capolavoro The Nightmare Before Christmas. Inno che appare quanto mai adatto ad aprire il racconto di questo episodio, che si apre proprio con i preparativi di una delle feste più amate in America: Halloween. Ora che sono una coppia con un certo numero di ostacoli superati alle spalle, Andrew e Zelda decidono di fare il passo successivo, organizzando una festa di Halloween insieme. La cosa, però, non piace affatto ai due rispettivi migliori amici, Stephanie e Stu, che nel corso degli anni avevano ormai sviluppato una propria tradizione con i propri compagni di avventura. Per evitare maggiori problemi, tuttavia, Andrew e Zelda propongono di festeggiare l'occasione organizzando un party tutti e quattro insieme. La scelta si mostra senz'altro fallimentare: Stu e Stephie che hanno la capacità di sopportarsi come i proverbiali cani e gatti, litigano su tutti, portando i due protagonisti al limite dell'esaurimento. C'è il sospetto che tutte le diatribe facciano parte di un piano più grande attraverso il quale i due migliori amici per eccellenza vogliono punire Andrew e Zelda per aver anche solo pensato di rimpiazzarli. Ad ogni modo i vari litigi portano i due protagonisti ad annullare la festa di Halloween, anche perchè Stu e Stephie sembrano incapaci di spartirsi equamente anche l'aria da respirare. Ma, grazie al cielo, per gli appassionati di Halloween ci pensa Big Bird, che organizza nell'ufficio dell'azienda un party per single che avrà come ospite d'onore una coppia felice conosciutasi proprio attraverso i servizi offerti. E su chi ricadrà mai questa scelta?
"Love is blind, and lovers cannot see, the pretty follies that themselves commit." --William Shakespeare Though Andrew and Zelda have been together just a month (their "month-aversary", as they cloyingly put it), the bond between them is so strong that they're ready to throw a party together. Halloween's the logical choice, and after a little hemming and hawing, Andrew pushes "send" on their cute e-vite. Except that for both Stu and Stephie, it's anything but cute. It's a horrible repudiation of their individual friendships with Andrew and Zelda. It would seem that new love is blind to the needs of old friends. We learn that Andrew and Stu have been Halloween partners since childhood, annually donning their "Ghostbusters" jumpsuit costumes and jamming to the movie's catchy theme song. Stephie has an equally strong tradition with Zelda. The two girls are huge "Laverne and Shirley" fans and dress up as the two sitcom characters every year. Now, with Zelda and Andrew throwing their own bash, all apparently is lost. Separately, Stu and Stephie give their best friends an earful. Andrew and Zelda quickly call a summit with Stu and Stephie and all agree that Stu and Stephie will throw a party on their behalf. Crisis averted, at least until Stu and Stephie try to agree on a theme, cuisine and sundry other details, like whether to spend most of the budget on a personal appearance from Ray Parker, Jr., singer of the "Ghostbusters" theme. It's hopeless. Big Bird has her own party crisis. She's planned a marquee event for the staff and press, one where she can showcase Wallflower's Golden Couple, Donna and Jim Henry. Howard informs her that they're no longer available to attend the party: the no-so-happy pair choked each other on a cruise and are lost at sea. Pressed to find another press-friendly couple in a hurry, Lydia hits on the idea of Andrew and Zelda being the company's poster children. Of course, the couple didn't meet via Wallflower.com and they've only been seeing each other for a month. But no matter, a little coaching will have them reporter-ready in no time. The party gets underway. Big Bird leads a young reporter around, introducing her to Zelda and Andrew, who haplessly try to play the part of a long-term couple. And there are more issues: too many unattractive development and engineering staff members are bringing the party down. Lydia dispatches Howard to segregate the nerds in a separate room, shuttling Lorna and Dinesh into what they realize is "nerd jail." Stu and Stephie sit down with Zelda and Andrew, ostensibly to let Stu and Stephie apologize. But the conversation takes a poignant turn. Stu nails it: it feels like you're not just a new couple, it seems like you're becoming best friends, he tells them. Stephie agrees, echoing that fear of losing her own best friend, Zelda. Andrew and Zelda pledge their lifetime friendship to their pals - they'll never be replaced. The assurances help, but the moment does feel different. Back at the party, Dinesh scrambles through the air conditioning duct to help break the nerds out of segregation. He crashes to the floor, only to be ministered to by a sexy nurse (who declares him dead). But when Ray Parker, Jr. hovers over him, Dinesh springs back to life, wondering if he's gone to heaven. Big Bird's worries that the company's future is going down the drain. Howard tells Lydia that he asked the reporter to kill her story, but she refused. But clever Howard then steered her toward a hunky guy and let nature take its course. We see them making out. He reports to Lydia that the reporter's slant will be that Wallflower is not a good site for those looking for love - but it's a great place to find hot singles. The Halloween bacchanal continues in full force, fueled by an on-the-spot performance from Mr. Ray Parker, Jr., singing, of course, the theme to "Ghostbusters."
Serie Televisiva: A to ZStagione: 1 - Episodio: 5
Titolo Italiano: E is for Ectoplasm
Titolo Originale: E is for Ectoplasm
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 30 Ottobre 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 30 Ottobre 2014 su NBC
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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