Kory sa che non deve mai perdere di vista Rachel, ma purtroppo non ricorda perché. Nel frattempo, Dick ripensa alla sua adolescenza problematica.
Kory tracks down Rachel, and watches the Nuclear Family abduct her. Rachel's dark self refuses to help her, but Kory arrives, incinerates Nuclear Dad with her powers, and convinces Rachel to leave with her. Rachel and Kory find their way to a convent where Melissa had supposedly hidden from Rachel's father when she was a baby, and which Kory had visited in search of Rachel a year before. Dick recalls learning that his parents' death was not an accident, and being taken in by billionaire Bruce Wayne, who offers to teach Dick "another way to deal with the pain." Rachel meets Garfield Logan briefly, and Dick arrives. After Rachel's dark self manifests again, Dick and Kory take her back to the convent, where the sisters secretly lock her in the basement. Kory discovers that before her memory loss she was researching various doomsday prophecies concerning the advent of an apocalyptic "raven". Rachel's dark self taunts her and then manifests, leading to an explosion that allows Rachel to flee.
Serie Televisiva: TitansStagione: 1 - Episodio: 3
Titolo Italiano: Origini
Titolo Originale: Origins
Prima Visione Assoluta: venerdì 26 Ottobre 2018 su DC Universe
Prima Visione USA: venerdì 26 Ottobre 2018 su DC Universe
Prima Visione Italia: venerdì 11 Gennaio 2019 su Netflix
Nazione: USA
Durata: 54 minuti
Genere: Azione, Avventura, Fantasy
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