1×03 – C is for Curiouser and Curiouser – A to Z
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C is for Curiouser and Curiouser è l'episodio numero 3 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva A to Z.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 16 Ottobre 2014 su NBC.


In questo episodio, Andrew e Zelda affrontano una nuova sfida: dopo l'accettazione dei sentimenti e la proclamazione dell'esclusività, i due dolcissimi protagonisti di questa comedy che continua ad irretirci sempre di più devono vedersela con un altro mostro: i segreti. Sospinta – come sempre – dalla migliore amica, Zelda decide di scavare un po' nel passato di Andrew. Purtroppo, però, la ragazza non si limita a googlare il nome del fidanzato, ma anzi decide di utilizzare tutti gli strumenti che il suo lavoro le concede. Scopre così che Andrew ha dei trascorsi con la legge: colpe di nessuna gravità, ma a cui Zelda reagisce male pensando che Andrew sia come tutti gli altri, pieno di bugie e cose non dette. Fortuntamente, però, il panico rientra alla velocità della luce e la ragazza si scusa con Andrew per aver violato la sua privacy. Peccato però che Andrew, nel frattempo, abbia fatto più o meno lo stesso, scoprendo che Zelda è già stata sposata con un suo amico straniero, Gustav. Andrew e Zelda, allora, dovranno trovare un modo per sopravvivere all'esplosione di tutte quelle informazioni, senza che il loro rapporto subisca un arresto.

"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise..." –Thomas Gray Before the dawn of the modern age—i.e. the invention of the web—learning the secrets of someone's past was the province of detectives, journalists and perhaps psychics. But with search engines at everyone's fingertips, unearthing the scandals and skeletons of just about anyone is just a few clicks away. And so we arrive at the latest dilemma for Andrew and Zelda. It all starts simply enough, when Stephie demonstrates an app for rating ex-boyfriends; she's determined not to be surprised by her next suitor. Andrew reveals that Wallflower's research has determined that knowing too much about someone before beginning to date is actually harmful to the development of a healthy relationship. Nonsense, says Stephie; forewarned is forearmed. Zelda knows that too much snooping is probably going to lead to pain, but after hearing Stephie's point of view, she takes a fateful step "down the rabbit hole" of online research. Hours later, she's found a damning piece of video: dashboard camera footage of Andrew being arrested at the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum outside a Raiders game. She's outraged. How could he hide an arrest from her? Hoping he'll come clean with a little prodding, Zelda gives Andrew a chance to be forthcoming. But when he fails to mention any sort of run in with cops, Zelda loses it, lashing out at him for hiding his arrest. Andrew explains that the cops had it out for him and that it was 10 years ago. Zelda feels hurt and misled. Has our blossoming romance hit a withering impasse? Back at Wallflower, CEO Lydia (aka Big Bird) has her own curious itch to be scratched. After overhearing Andrew and Stu disparaging her and the company at a bar, she wonders what else the employees are saying. After consulting with Howard (head of HR), she begins snooping on her staff via their computer webcams. When she learns they call her Big Bird, she's appalled. Howard tries to calm her, explaining that Big Bird is a very high-ranking member of the Sesame Street hierarchy. Ultimately, she embraces the term as an honorific. Meanwhile, Andrew wonders what's gone wrong with him and Zelda. Dinesh and Lora offer to dig into Zelda's past to see what they can turn up, but Andrew waves them off. Still, they leave him a USB drive with Zelda's Wallflower profile and a few other secrets on it. Andrew knows it's playing with matches, but can't help but take a little peek. Zelda comes over to Andrew's apartment in a fluster, apologizing for invading his privacy and his trust. In turn, Andrew confesses he did peruse her Wallflower profile, but found nothing. And in moment, Zelda blurts out her big secret: she was once married. It's a bombshell of the first order, but Zelda's quick to explain. Gustav was a fellow law student whose student visa was set to expire. She married him so he could remain in the country to practice law. She assures Andrew that it was strictly platonic and she divorced Gustav the day he received his citizenship. Unburdened, Zelda feels much better and she and Andrew agree to not keep secrets from one another. Stu offers to help Stephie bolster her online profile so as to attract a higher quality of dates. She refuses, disgusted at the idea of lying on her profile—the very crime Stu committed himself as "Scatman" in his successful effort to bed her. Later, Stephie can't help herself and puts some of Stu's recommendations to use. Meanwhile, Zelda's revelation has set off a jealous curiosity in Andrew. He Googles Gustav. The now-successful Swedish lawyer is a hunk. Andrew sets off on a stalking exercise, spotting him at a restaurant and staking him out from inside his car. Gustav sits at a table alone, until he's joined by his lunch guest—Zelda! Andrew sneaks from his car and crouches at the curb, the better to hear and see them. As Andrew fixates on Zelda and Gustav, he doesn't notice that he's leaning against a police car; two L.A. cops ask him to move up onto the sidewalk. But he's too focused and obsessed to pay the cops any attention. Soon enough, he's leaning against the squad car, being handcuffed. The good news at least is that the lunch date is harmless: Gustav has invited Zelda to lunch to meet his new fiancé. Zelda notices the commotion on the sidewalk and comes to Andrew's rescue, calling in a favor to get him released. Afterwards, Andrew and Zelda sit and talk. Zelda explains that growing up she never saw marriage as much more than a legal document; her role models were her parents, who were anything but a happily married couple. Still, she understands Andrew's belief in marriage. But she goes on to explain that she's less cynical now. Maybe, just maybe, she's ready to start believing in it after all.


Serie Televisiva: A to Z
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 3
Titolo Italiano: C is for Curiouser and Curiouser
Titolo Originale: C is for Curiouser and Curiouser
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 16 Ottobre 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 16 Ottobre 2014 su NBC
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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Recensione A to Z 1x03 - C is for Curiouser and Curiouser
Recensione A to Z 1x03 - C is for Curiouser and Curiouser
Erika Pomella, voto 9/10
'A to Z' torna con un nuovo episodio che conferma tutte le qualità che, da tre settimane, ci hanno fatto innamorare di questo show. Ma il vero punto di forza, questa volta, sono Stephanie e Stu.


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