1×01 – La comunità – Community
Galleria 1x01
La comunità (Pilot) è l'episodio numero 1 della Stagione 1 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 17 Settembre 2009 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 13 Aprile 2010 su Comedy Central.


A Jeff Winger viene revocata la laurea in legge. Per tornare a esercitare deve riprendere gli studi e, in breve, insieme ad altri compagni che, come lui hanno trascorsi piu' o meno burrascosi, forma un bizzarro quanto eterogeneo gruppo di studio, cosi' da poter affrontare al meglio gli esami. Cosi' facendo, in realta', Jeff finisce per acquisire una conoscenza piu' profonda di se stesso e dei suoi compagni di studio, vivendo un'esperienza unica ed esaltante dal punto di vista umano.

Dean Pelton gives a welcome address to students in the quad, which doesn't quite go as planned. Abed and Jeff walk through the quad together when they spot Britta sitting on the steps of the library. Abed tells Jeff that Britta is in need of serious help in Spanish class or she'll flunk the upcoming test. Jeff pays his old friend and client Professor Duncan a visit during office hours. Duncan, surprised to hear Jeff is taking classes at Greendale considering he was previously a lawyer, thanks him again for helping out with his DUI case. Jeff's hoping that their friendship will provide certain benefits while he's in school. Jeff approaches Britta in the cafeteria later that day hoping to get her attention by passing himself off as a board certified Spanish tutor. She's skeptical at first, but after Jeff speaks Spanish, Britta is won over. Jeff, or "Jeffe," invites Britta to join his Spanish study group later that afternoon in the library. Britta joins Jeff in the library for his Spanish study group. After a few minutes of casual conversation, Abed joins them. Abed, clueless to Jeff's intentions, sits between him and Britta. Jeff receives a text from Duncan, and leaves Britta and Abed to meet Duncan on the football field. Duncan implies he can get Jeff the answers to all his tests, but thinks Jeff should think about the moral implications. Before Duncan knows it, Jeff has talked him into it. When Jeff returns to the library, the study group has grown. Abed has invited Troy, Annie, Shirley and Pierce from their Spanish class to join them. Britta steps out for a moment, leading Jeff to follow suit. He grabs his jacket and book, telling the study group he'll be stepping out to the bathroom… with the intention of not returning. After skipping out on the study group, Jeff runs into Britta outside the library. He tries to convince her to go to dinner with him instead of going back to the study group, but she suggests prioritizing the request. She heads back inside the library, luring Jeff to do the same by promising dinner after the study group. Back in the library, Jeff shows off his procrastination skills during group introductions, with the intention of causing duress among its members. While everyone is arguing, Jeff receives a call from Duncan to meet at his car. Jeff steps out again, letting the group hash things out. In Duncan's very small car, he presents Jeff with a sealed envelope apparently containing the answers to all of the semester's quizzes. However, in return, Duncan asks for Jeff's car as advance payment for the next four years' worth of test answers. Jeff returns from meeting Duncan to find the study group attacking each other. With hope that dinner with Britta flows, Jeff walks into the study group room and takes control. After Jeff calms everyone down in the study group and thinks that he has secured a dinner with Britta, he asks her to join him. But, Britta lied. No dinner. Jeff leaves the study group dateless with his envelope of test answers. Outside of the library, Jeff opens the envelope from Duncan to realize it's filled with a stack of blank paper, not one answer in the whole pack. He pays Duncan a visit in his office to get the keys to his car back. On Jeff's way across the quad to his car, he stops to talk to Pierce and Troy. The rest of the study group joins them on the steps of the library. After feeling bad for him, the group invites him back into their study group.


Serie Televisiva: Community
Stagione: 1 - Episodio: 1
Titolo Italiano: La comunità
Titolo Originale: Pilot
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 17 Settembre 2009 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 17 Settembre 2009 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 13 Aprile 2010 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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