11x07 Due uomini e mezzo:
Pugno di Ferro in Guanto di Velluto
Two and a Half Men: Stagione 11, Episodio 7 TRAMA
Walden e Alan escono insieme per un doppio appuntamento con due donne molto attraenti, ma Lyndsey si ingelosisce e rovina la serata a entrambi.
While Alan and Walden argue over strategies for hitting on women at Pavlov's, Jenny picks up the woman they were both eyeing. The guys end up meeting two theme park princesses and arrange a double date, but as Alan is getting ready, Lyndsey drops by for a surprise booty call. Though she agrees to let him to date other women, she calls Alan drunk while he is in bed with his date and tells him he isn't allowed to see other people. Just as Alan is lying to Lyndsey about kicking his date out, she shows up at the door and a big confrontation ensues between the two women, Alan, and Walden who is upset about his own ruined date. The next day, Alan goes to Lyndsey's house and makes her choose between him and her boyfriend Larry. She chooses Alan, but the sex they have afterwards is boring and they realize the threat of being caught in an affair was their aphrodisiac. Lyndsey decides to stay with Larry and Walden discovers his date is now seeing his neighbor, Jeff Probst.
Serie Televisiva: Due uomini e mezzoStagione: 11 - Episodio: 7
Titolo Italiano: Pugno di Ferro in Guanto di Velluto
Titolo Originale: Some Kind of Lesbian Zombie
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 14 Novembre 2013 su CBS
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 14 Novembre 2013 su CBS
Prima Visione Italia: lunedì 30 Novembre 2015 su Joi
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia
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Cast non disponibile per l'episodio 7 della 11a stagione della serie Due uomini e mezzo
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