5×07 – Bondage e sessualità del maschio beta – Community
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Bondage e sessualità del maschio beta (Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality) è l'episodio numero 7 della Stagione 5 della serie televisiva Community.
Girato in USA, dura circa 22 minuti. Prima vsione assoluta giovedì 27 Febbraio 2014 su NBC. Prima vsione in Italia martedì 29 Luglio 2014 su Comedy Central.


Duncan vuole conquistare Britta, e invita tutti a una serata di beneficenza. Li' Britta incontra dei vecchi amici che si sono fatti strada e.

When Professor Duncan solicits advice from Jeff on how to hook up with Britta, Jeff reluctantly agrees to help him score a date with her. In the next Save Greendale Committee meeting, Jeff coaches Duncan to casually mention a starving children benefit show that he knows will spark Britta's interest. Unfortunately, the plan backfires when Jeff is coerced into attending the benefit as well. Meanwhile, Abed prepares to attend the premiere of the reboot of one of his favorite classic action films, Kickpuncher. At the benefit show, Britta runs into her old activist friends and Duncan plots his big move, waiting for a vulnerable moment from Britta to swoop in on his crush. Seeing Britta in her element lights a flame in Jeff, and he starts to feel his own attraction to Britta swelling up. Meanwhile, Chang accidentally performs a one-man show after wandering into a theater to take a phone call. Back at Greendale, Abed is testing out his homemade Kickpuncher costume when he comes across Hickey working on his cartoons in his office. While showing off his costume, Abed accidentally sprays foam all over Hickey's work, infuriating the curmudgeonly professor. Hickey handcuffs Abed to a file cabinet to teach him about consequences, and the two begin an awkward bonding session as Abed misses his movie premiere. Back at the theater, Chang exits the stage after his excellent impromptu one-man show to learn that the theater has been abandoned for years after 24 people died in the auditorium. When he realizes that he apparently performed for a ghost audience, Chang runs screaming from the theater. Meanwhile, Jeff and Duncan begin to compete for dibs on Britta. When Britta discovers that all her old activist friends have sold out, Duncan decides it's time to sweep in for the kill! While driving Britta home, Duncan begins to feel guilty and decides to just take his friend home, much to his own frustration. He meets up with Jeff at a bar to thank him for being a good friend. In Hickey's office, Abed reads some of the professor's comics. Hickey is pleased to get some affirmation on his work, but he's still not willing to let Abed go so that he can catch his movie premiere. After a heated argument, Hickey gives in and releases Abed. Rather than going to the premiere, Abed decides to show Hickey an action movie script that he wrote, in hopes that Hickey might be able to inject some substance into it. The next day, the committee members return to the study room having turned over new leaves. Abed and Hickey are friends, Jeff and Duncan are no longer competing with one another, and Chang is convinced that he might be the one who's actually a ghost.


Serie Televisiva: Community
Stagione: 5 - Episodio: 7
Titolo Italiano: Bondage e sessualità del maschio beta
Titolo Originale: Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality
Prima Visione Assoluta: giovedì 27 Febbraio 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione USA: giovedì 27 Febbraio 2014 su NBC
Prima Visione Italia: martedì 29 Luglio 2014 su Comedy Central
Nazione: USA
Durata: 22 minuti
Genere: Commedia

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